After update to _01, Control panel (About) shows correct
version 1.4.2_01, but has registration of default JRE
for both IE and NS7 unchecked by default. At this point,
if we run Clock demo Applet (using APPLET tag), it uses
1.4.2 as default JRE to run the applet (Plugin Console
displays the version 1.4.2) instead of using 1.4.2_01
which should be new default JRE.
When we go back to register the browser's default JRE
in the Control panel and then reload the applet in
a new browser windows, it then uses 1.4.2_01 correctly.
When we explicitly go to control panel to make 1.4.2_01 default under
Netscape 7 we see a warning that relates to Netscape 6 (Minor issue
but still confusing message).
"Please check that Netscape 6 is properly installed..."
We have Netscape 7 (not NS6) properly installed on the system.
version 1.4.2_01, but has registration of default JRE
for both IE and NS7 unchecked by default. At this point,
if we run Clock demo Applet (using APPLET tag), it uses
1.4.2 as default JRE to run the applet (Plugin Console
displays the version 1.4.2) instead of using 1.4.2_01
which should be new default JRE.
When we go back to register the browser's default JRE
in the Control panel and then reload the applet in
a new browser windows, it then uses 1.4.2_01 correctly.
When we explicitly go to control panel to make 1.4.2_01 default under
Netscape 7 we see a warning that relates to Netscape 6 (Minor issue
but still confusing message).
"Please check that Netscape 6 is properly installed..."
We have Netscape 7 (not NS6) properly installed on the system.