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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4840802

jvm crashes with core dumped on Starfire domains with BEA weblogic 5.1 SP 10


    • sparc
    • solaris_8

      5 of 8 instances of jvm crash on Starfire domains with BEA weblogic 5.1 SP 10, core dumped


      Solaris 8, JVM 1.3.1_02
      WebLogic Server 5.1 SP 10

      SNCF, one of Sun's biggest customers in France have integrated WebLogic
      Server (running on top of Sun JVM) with Application which serves to make online web booked ticket. This configuration it's critical business, because, per day it's arround 1.5 million consumers use it to book train and airplane tickets.


      Today 5 of 8 instances of jvm crash on Starfire domains with BEA weblogic 5.1 SP 10, and now one booked ticket takes 20 minutes to load.

      The issue is logged as Severity 1 problem at Sun and customer needs
      resolution or at least a precise diagnosis ASAP.

      ############################# jvm options #####################################
      $JDK_HOME/bin/java -server -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=65536K -verbose:gc -classpath $JAVA_CLASSPATH -Dweblogic.class.pat
      h=$WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH -Dweblogic.system.bindAddr=$SERVER_NAME -Dweblogic.cluster.enable=true -Dweblogic.cluster.name=$CLUSTER_NAME -Dweblogic
      .cluster.multicastAddress=$MULTI_CAST -Dweblogic.system.name=$SYSTEM_NAME -Dweblogic.system.home=$SYSTEM_HOME -Dweblogic.home=$WEBLOGIC_HOME
      -Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=$CONF_HOME/weblogic.policy -Dcommerce.properties=$CONF_HOME/weblogiccommerce.properties -Dwebl
      ogic.properties=$APP_HOME/weblogic.properties -Dconfig.moreAdditionalPropertiesFiles=p11 weblogic.Server > $HOME/logs/LOGP11.log 2>&1 &

      Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0xfb0aa4e0
      Function name=decodeString (compiled Java code)

      Current Java thread:

      Dynamic libraries:
      0x10000 /usr/java/j2sdk1_3_1_02/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java
      0xff350000 /usr/lib/libthread.so.1
      0xff390000 /usr/lib/libdl.so.1
      0xff200000 /usr/lib/libc.so.1
      0xff330000 /usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise-10000/lib/libc_psr.so.1
      0xfe000000 /usr/java/j2sdk1_3_1_02/jre/lib/sparc/server/libjvm.so
      0xff2e0000 /usr/lib/libCrun.so.1
      0xff1e0000 /usr/lib/libsocket.so.1
      0xff100000 /usr/lib/libnsl.so.1
      0xff0d0000 /usr/lib/libm.so.1
      0xff310000 /usr/lib/libw.so.1
      0xff0b0000 /usr/lib/libmp.so.2
      0xff080000 /usr/java/j2sdk1_3_1_02/jre/lib/sparc/native_threads/libhpi.so
      0xff050000 /usr/java/j2sdk1_3_1_02/jre/lib/sparc/libverify.so
      0xfe7c0000 /usr/java/j2sdk1_3_1_02/jre/lib/sparc/libjava.so
      0xff020000 /usr/java/j2sdk1_3_1_02/jre/lib/sparc/libzip.so
      0xfcc60000 /usr/java/j2sdk1_3_1_02/jre/lib/sparc/libnet.so
      0xfcc40000 /usr/lib/nss_files.so.1
      0xd67e0000 /export/home0/weblogic/weblogic5.1.sp10/lib/solaris/libmuxer.so
      0xd6120000 /usr/java/j2sdk1_3_1_02/jre/lib/sparc/libioser12.so

      Local Time = Tue Apr 1 15:23:23 2003
      Elapsed Time = 117534
      # HotSpot Virtual Machine Error : 11
      # Error ID : 4F530E43505002C4 01
      # Please report this error at
      # http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
      # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.3.1_02-b02 mixed mode)

            xjiangsunw Xuyang Jiang (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
