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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4864405

Pointbase gives AccessControlException while using BLOB datatype with cmp.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 8.0pe
    • 7.0se, 8.0pe
    • core-libs
    • 8.0pe
    • generic, sparc
    • generic, solaris_8
    • Not verified

      Test Case description:
      Sets a BLOB field in CMP bean.SQL file generates a blob field of length 1M whereas test data is just 150KB.
      This is email thread:
      >------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
      >Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 18:22:00 -0700
      >From: Markus Fuchs <###@###.###>
      >X-Accept-Language: en
      >MIME-Version: 1.0
      >To: Marina Vatkina <###@###.###>
      >CC: ###@###.###, ###@###.###, ###@###.###,
      >Subject: Re: access control exception
      >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
      >Hi Deepa,
      >we had a similar problem involving BLOBs on pointbase before. This is what we

      >from pointbase:

      >"When a query involves a lob (large object, either BLOB or CLOB) PointBase
      >creates a
      >tmp file, so it may be the case that other queries
      >wouldn't encounter a problem. The error indicates that the user doesn't have
      >read/write permission in
      >the current directory of the client program.
      >They should make sure this directory has read/write permission and the error
      >>The suggested fix doesn't work...
      >>Akara pointed out:
      >>JDBC drivers are usually exempt from the security policy. In many cases
      >>they create threads, etc. Usually they are loaded by the system
      >>classloader and have to be installed in a place where the security
      >>policy allows it to do just anything. I usually drop my JDBC driver jar
      >>into the $S1AS_HOME/lib and then include it into the classpath. If you
      >>put it somewhere else you'll need to make sure the policy file grants
      >>all permissions to that location as well.
      >>Provided that is done, a legitimate JDBC driver will need to do all the
      >>priviledged code (deleting files, creating threads, etc.) in a
      >>doPriviledged block. If neither of these conditions are satisfied, you
      >>might run into permission errors.
      >>The real problem was, that pointbase had no doPrivileged blocks in their

      code. I

      >>filed a bug against pointbase, but I don't know, if it was resovled (doesn't
      >>like). I suggest you inform Jonathan.
      >>Disabling security management for the app server avoids the problem, but


      >>-- markus,

      Hi Deepa,

      I've seen a similar problem reported on PointBase.
      Are you using PointBase?
      Does the same test pass on Oracle?

      Of the answer is 'yes' to all of the above, I suggest to send
      emails to Jonathan Bruce and file a jdbc category bug.

      Can you also check if your /tmp is full (df -k /tmp) to narrow
      down the situation?


      ###@###.### 2003-05-14
      ###@###.### 2003-06-30

            jbrucesunw Jonathan Bruce (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
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