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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4870514

Bad mapping between bytecode and line number.



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P2
    • 5.0
    • 1.4.1_02, 1.4.2, 1.4.2_05, 1.4.2_08
    • tools
    • b26
    • x86
    • windows, windows_2000, windows_xp


      In the following example, bytecode index 37 in the method void test()
      " 37 goto 43"
      is mapped to line number 47, which is not correct.

      Example, java code:
      Testcase: Debugger steps into forbidden code

        Product Version = NetBeans IDE 3.5 RC2 (Build 200305182350)
        IDE Versioning = IDE/1 spec=3.42.1 impl=200305182350
        Operating System = Windows 98 version 4.10 running on x86
        Java; VM; Vendor = 1.4.1; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.4.1-b21; Sun Microsystems Inc.

      How to reproduce:

      - Set a breakpoint on first line in test()
      - Single-step [F8] through test()

      Expected behavior:
      - The debugger should skip the line "deleteAllSystemFiles();"

      Actual behavior:
      - The debugger steps onto the line "deleteAllSystemFiles();"

      public class DebuggerIfTrap{

          public static void main(String[] args) {
              }// try
              catch(Throwable t){
              }// catch
          }// method

          private final static void test(){

              long number1 = 3l;
              String myString = "";
              String rs1 = executeQuery("SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE;");
                  long number2 = 4l;
                  if(number2 < number1){
                      deleteAllSystemFiles();// The Debugger steps _onto_ this. It should not do so!
                  }// if
              }// if()
              }// else
          }// method
          public static boolean next(){
              return true;
          }// method

          public static void close(){
          }// method
          public static String executeQuery(String query){
              return query;
          }// method

          public static void deleteAllSystemFiles(){
          }// method
      }// class
      Example - bytecode:
      Compiled from DebuggerIfTrap.java
      public class DebuggerIfTrap extends java.lang.Object
          /* ACC_SUPER bit set */
          public DebuggerIfTrap();
          public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
          private static final void test();
          public static boolean next();
          public static void close();
          public static java.lang.String executeQuery(java.lang.String);
          public static void deleteAllSystemFiles();

      Method DebuggerIfTrap()
         0 aload_0
         1 invokespecial #1 <Method java.lang.Object.<init>()V>
         4 return

      Method void main(java.lang.String[])
         0 invokestatic #2 <Method DebuggerIfTrap.test()V>
         3 goto 14
         6 astore_1
         7 aload_1
         8 invokevirtual #4 <Method java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace()V>
        11 goto 14
        14 iconst_0
        15 invokestatic #5 <Method java.lang.System.exit(I)V>
        18 return
      Exception table:
         from to target type
           0 3 6 <Class java.lang.Throwable>

      Method void test()
         0 ldc2_w #6 <Long 3>
         3 lstore_0
         4 ldc #8 <String "">
         6 astore_2
         7 ldc #9 <String "SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE;">
         9 invokestatic #10 <Method DebuggerIfTrap.executeQuery(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;>
        12 astore_3
        13 invokestatic #11 <Method DebuggerIfTrap.next()Z>
        16 ifeq 40
        19 invokestatic #12 <Method DebuggerIfTrap.close()V>
        22 ldc2_w #13 <Long 4>
        25 lstore 4
        27 lload 4
        29 lload_0
        30 lcmp
        31 ifge 37
        34 invokestatic #15 <Method DebuggerIfTrap.deleteAllSystemFiles()V>
        37 goto 43
        40 invokestatic #12 <Method DebuggerIfTrap.close()V>
        43 return

      Method boolean next()
         0 iconst_1
         1 ireturn

      Method void close()
         0 return

      Method java.lang.String executeQuery(java.lang.String)
         0 aload_0
         1 areturn

      Method void deleteAllSystemFiles()
         0 return

      Line numbers for method DebuggerIfTrap()
         line 26: 0

      Line numbers for method void main(java.lang.String[])
         line 30: 0
         line 31: 3
         line 33: 6
         line 34: 11
         line 35: 14
         line 36: 18

      Line numbers for method void test()
         line 40: 0
         line 41: 4
         line 42: 7
         line 43: 13
         line 44: 19
         line 45: 22
         line 46: 27
         line 47: 34
         line 51: 40
         line 53: 43

      Line numbers for method boolean next()
         line 57: 0

      Line numbers for method void close()
         line 61: 0

      Line numbers for method java.lang.String executeQuery(java.lang.String)
         line 64: 0

      Line numbers for method void deleteAllSystemFiles()
         line 68: 0

      Local variables for method DebuggerIfTrap()
         DebuggerIfTrap this pc=0, length=5, slot=0

      Local variables for method void main(java.lang.String[])
         java.lang.String[] args pc=0, length=19, slot=0
         java.lang.Throwable t pc=7, length=7, slot=1

      Local variables for method void test()
         long number1 pc=4, length=39, slot=0
         java.lang.String myString pc=7, length=36, slot=2
         java.lang.String rs1 pc=13, length=30, slot=3
         long number2 pc=27, length=10, slot=4

      Local variables for method java.lang.String executeQuery(java.lang.String)
         java.lang.String query pc=0, length=2, slot=0

      ###@###.### 2003-05-28
      ###@###.### 2003-05-28


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              jjancura Jan Jancura (Inactive)
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