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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4881631

File("A:").exists() and isDirectory() can cause a dialog box to appear (win)


    • x86
    • windows_2000

      Name: aaR10208 Date: 06/20/2003

      Filed By : J2SE-SQA [###@###.###
      JDK : JDK1.5.0-b09
      Platform[s] : Windows 2000 Pro
      switch/Mode : Plugin + NS7.0

      File.exists() and File.isDirectory() calls for "A:" drive can cause a dialog box
      "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive A:" to appear.
      File.listRoots() works fine in this build.

      Please, see bugid#4850616 for more details.

      How to reproduce:
      1. Install j2sdk1.5.0-b09 on Win2000 box with Netscape 7.0 installed.
      2. Place into your home directory .java.policy file with all permissions enabled.
      3. Copy the following applet and html files on the local disk.
      4. Compile applet and open test.html. NOTE: Use desktop link to start Netscape.
      You will see message
      "Netscp.exe - No disk
      There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive A:.
      [Cancel] [Try again] [Continue]"

      ----- test.java -----
      import java.applet.*;
      import java.io.File;

      public class test extends Applet
            public void start() {
      System.out.println("is A: a directory ?: "+(new File("A:")).isDirectory());
      System.out.println("does A: exist() ?: "+(new File("A:")).exists());
            public static void main( String[] args ) {
      System.setSecurityManager( new sun.applet.AppletSecurity() );
      (new test()).start();
      ----- end of test.java -----

      ----- test.html -----
      <body bgcolor=#CCCCCC>

      <APPLET CODE=test WIDTH="90%" HEIGHT="400"></APPLET>
      ----- end of test.html -----

      Specific machine info:
      Hostname: linux-2
      OS: Windows 2000 Pro


            alanb Alan Bateman
            sundrsunw Sundr Sundr (Inactive)
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