1.4.1_05 JDK/JRE Downgrade Install with 1.3.1_07 JRE **This is NOT A REGRESSION**
Downgrade Control Panel Behaviour with 1.3.1 family is unexpected.
- Install 1.4.1_05 JDK/JRE to default dir (accept defaults)
- Install 1.3.1_07 JRE to default dir (accepting defaults)
Default Install
-> Both control panels have NS browsers checked.
(ensure console is shown for both JPI's)
-> Therefore, support for both JPI-versions
Load an applet using Netscape 6 e.g. http://sqesvr.sfbay.sun.com/deployment1/ws_plugin/tests/mimetypes/pluginhtml-default/MimeType_13.html
NS6:: Applet loads with 141_05 but expect to load with the downgrade JRE
(accepting defaults during install downgrade NS is checked - therefore I expected 141_05 netscape support to toggle "off" like it does during a downgrade with 140_04 and applet should load using downgrade JRE.)
- To toggle one browser "on" should toggle the browser "off" on the other controlpanel.
Unchecking NS browser on one also unchecks the NS browser in the other controlpanel.
This should not happen
Check dll's in NS6 Plugins Folder:
C:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape 6\Plugins
(or right-click ns6 desktop shortcut, Choose Properties > Find Target, then open Plugins dir)
In Win XP::
o Choose View Tiles (this makes it easier to read the dll versions)
Other Win versions::
o If Tiles view not present, instead Right click Properties>Version Description
Plugins dir contains...
- 1.3.1_07 NPJavaxx.dll's
- npoji600.dll (1.3.1_07)
- NPOJI610.dll (1.4.1_05)
- NPJPI141_05.dll (1.4.1_05)
- NPJava131_07.dll (1.3.1_07)
NPOJI610.dll (1.4.1_05) should be removed from dir - but seems to be a side effect from having control panel checked as well as 131_07 control panel
(140_04 overwrites this dll. Toggles off support for 141_05 during install.)
Note: Also mention that 1.3 JRE Registry key loses values for JavaHome, Microversion, RuntimeLib
###@###.### 2003-07-30
Downgrade Control Panel Behaviour with 1.3.1 family is unexpected.
- Install 1.4.1_05 JDK/JRE to default dir (accept defaults)
- Install 1.3.1_07 JRE to default dir (accepting defaults)
Default Install
-> Both control panels have NS browsers checked.
(ensure console is shown for both JPI's)
-> Therefore, support for both JPI-versions
Load an applet using Netscape 6 e.g. http://sqesvr.sfbay.sun.com/deployment1/ws_plugin/tests/mimetypes/pluginhtml-default/MimeType_13.html
NS6:: Applet loads with 141_05 but expect to load with the downgrade JRE
(accepting defaults during install downgrade NS is checked - therefore I expected 141_05 netscape support to toggle "off" like it does during a downgrade with 140_04 and applet should load using downgrade JRE.)
- To toggle one browser "on" should toggle the browser "off" on the other controlpanel.
Unchecking NS browser on one also unchecks the NS browser in the other controlpanel.
This should not happen
Check dll's in NS6 Plugins Folder:
C:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape 6\Plugins
(or right-click ns6 desktop shortcut, Choose Properties > Find Target, then open Plugins dir)
In Win XP::
o Choose View Tiles (this makes it easier to read the dll versions)
Other Win versions::
o If Tiles view not present, instead Right click Properties>Version Description
Plugins dir contains...
- 1.3.1_07 NPJavaxx.dll's
- npoji600.dll (1.3.1_07)
- NPOJI610.dll (1.4.1_05)
- NPJPI141_05.dll (1.4.1_05)
- NPJava131_07.dll (1.3.1_07)
NPOJI610.dll (1.4.1_05) should be removed from dir - but seems to be a side effect from having control panel checked as well as 131_07 control panel
(140_04 overwrites this dll. Toggles off support for 141_05 during install.)
Note: Also mention that 1.3 JRE Registry key loses values for JavaHome, Microversion, RuntimeLib
###@###.### 2003-07-30