mercury tech_05, slec gm
after setting $PATH to include java (see bug 4899233)
cd /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_01/javaws.
exeute javaws suntea.jnlp (file attached)
java webstart launches, it then requests that user install java 1.4.1_02 in order to run suntea.jnlp. This is a regression from mercury tech_04, where java 1.4.2 successfully started and executed the suntea.jnlp application without executing and downloads.
after setting $PATH to include java (see bug 4899233)
cd /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_01/javaws.
exeute javaws suntea.jnlp (file attached)
java webstart launches, it then requests that user install java 1.4.1_02 in order to run suntea.jnlp. This is a regression from mercury tech_04, where java 1.4.2 successfully started and executed the suntea.jnlp application without executing and downloads.