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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4905270

Side effect of sun.awt.noerasebackground=true workaround


    • 04
    • x86
    • windows_2000

        Customer is using the flag "sun.awt.noerasebackground=true" to overcome a repaing bug (id # 4881422). But they see a side effect due to this in that
        during the process of resizing the window, there is a new repaint problem.

        The attached snapshot shows the effect of this bug. The image repaints itself
        after the window is resized and the mouse button is released.

        The problem is also seen only when the "Show window contents while dragging" option in " Control Panel -> Display -> Effects" is turned on.

        The application can be used in "fixed mode" and "floating mode". In fixed mode:

        a. The inner frames are JInterFrames which are lightweight objects and outer
           frames is a heavy weight component.

        b. The new repaint problem is seen only while resizing the outer window.

        In floating mode:

        a. All the windows become JFrames.

        b. The repaint prolbem is seen while resizing all the windows.

              tmasunw Tao Ma (Inactive)
              gnagasunsunw Gopinath Nagasundara (Inactive)
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