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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4908028

Regression java/awt/FontClass/NegativeAngleTest/NegativeAngleTest.java failed.


    • 2d
    • tiger
    • x86
    • linux, linux_redhat_8.0, solaris_8
    • Verified

        JDK: Tiger jdk1.5.0 b15
        OS : RedHat 9.0(eucJP)
        Regression tes case: test/java/awt/FontClass/NegativeAngleTest/NegativeAngleTest.java

        Regression test case NegativeAngleTest.java is failing with error as below;
        java: ../../../src/share/native/sun/font/t2k/t1.c:2185: tsi_T1GetGlyphIndexFromAdobeCode: Assertion `0' failed.
        core file was created.

        This problem starts from b15, it worked fine in b14 and Mantis fcs b28.
        This problem is not seen in Solaris and Windows.

        Step to reproduce;
        1. compile NegativeAngleTest.java(attached)
        2. launch
        % java NegativeAngleTest.java

        Then, you can see this problem.

        ** NOTE **
        The machine I tested is intalled RH9 patch as below;
        rpm -i --replacefiles /java/jdk/linux/ws/redhat9/libc_hack.rpm

        NegativeAngleTest.java is under java/awt dir, so I filed Category/Subcategry as a java/classes_awt.
        If these are not properly, please change them.

        [###@###.### 2003-08-18]


        With b18 and b19, the same occurred on a new configuration Redhat Advanced Server 3.0 (Itanium 2) :
        on "encarta" Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 2.9.5AS,
        Kernel 2.4.21-1.1931.2.399.ent on an ia64
        before b16, it simply let you log out instead of giving the error message below.

        It didn't occurr on "clie" Red Hat Linux Advanced Server release 2.1 AS
        Kernel 2.4.18-e.12smp on an ia64. (tested with b18)

        [...@encarta Font2DTest]# /.../keiko/j2sdk1.5.0/bin/java -jar Font2DTest.jar
        java: ../../../src/share/native/sun/font/t2k/t1.c:2185: tsi_T1GetGlyphIndexFromAdobeCode: Assertion `0' failed.

        ###@###.### 2003-09-15

              igor Igor Nekrestyanov (Inactive)
              rsuzukisunw Rieko Suzuki (Inactive)
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