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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4908932

REGRESSION:getAvailableLocales finds only en, en_US on Windows J2RE


      Bug #4638772 is failed for 1.4.2_02 on Win2003.
      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Install tested JRE from /net/koori.sfbay/p/v10/jdk/1.4.2_02/ea/b01/bundles/windows-i586
      2. Open a dos prompt window and goto the following directory
      <results dir location>\JTwork\classes\CTE_REGTEST\Generic\4638772
      3. Run the following command:
      <installed jre location>\bin\java TestLocale

      Expected results:
      The test should pass without any exception.
      Actual results:
      The test throws an exception after reporting a list of unavailable locales as follow:
      Locale not available: ar_SA
      Locale not available: zh_CN
      Locale not available: zh_TW
      Locale not available: iw_IL
      Locale not available: hi_IN
      Locale not available: ja_JP
      Locale not available: ko_KR
      Locale not available: th_TH
      Encoding not available: Cp1256
      Encoding not available: MS936
      Encoding not available: MS950
      Encoding not available: Cp1255
      Encoding not available: MS932
      Encoding not available: MS949
      Encoding not available: MS874
      Encoding not available: ISO8859_6
      Encoding not available: EUC_CN
      Encoding not available: GBK
      Encoding not available: EUC_TW
      Encoding not available: ISO8859_8
      Encoding not available: EUC_JP
      Encoding not available: PCK
      Encoding not available: EUC_KR
      Encoding not available: TIS620

      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException
              at TestLocale.main(TestLocale.java:37)
      It can be reproduced using the regression test test/java/util/Locale/InternationalBAT.java.

      Exception is thrown for JRE bundle only on Win2003. It pass for JDK.

            duke J. Duke
            lshikhva Ludmila Shikhvarg (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
