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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4916142

CompilerThread0: OutOfMemoryError Chunk::new Out of swap space?


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P2 P2
    • None
    • 1.4.2
    • hotspot
    • x86
    • windows_2000

      Sybase has reported the foll error logged by Sun JRE version 1.4.1.x and 1.4.2
      while running SPECj2001 benchmark in EAServer 5.0 on Windows 2000. The crash
      occurs within a couple of minutes of starting the test. The machine is setup
      with 1GB RAM and additional 2.2GB of virtual space.

      I have tried following options but none helped.

      1. Changing min and max heap sizes (from 368M to 968M).
      2. Tried JVM version 1.4.1_01, 1.4.1_03, and 1.4.2_01. Also tried server and
      client HotSpot VMs for these versions.
      3. Tried most applicable gc tuning parameters.
        * NewSize (300M), MaxNewSize(300M)
        * SurvivorRatio=2,20
        * +AggressiveHeap, +UseTLAB
        * +UseParallelGC
        * MaxPermSize (128M)
        * CompileThreshold=500,5000,20000,50000 using hotspot server VM

      Starting services...
      Accepting connections.
      Done binding to all configured Name Servers.
      , 0.4225403 secs]
      , 0.3689858 secs]
      , 0.2452689 secs]
      , 0.1830918 secs]
      , 0.2089325 secs]
      , 0.8158809 secs]

      in thread "
      java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested
      . Out of swap space?

      # HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, Internal Error
      # Please report this error at
      # http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
      # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.4.2_01-b06 mixed mode)
      # Error ID: 4A41564123414C4C530E4350500016
      # Problematic Thread:
      prio=5 tid=0x06133438


      Heap at VM Abort:

       def new generation
       total 276480K, used 52942K
       [0x1f8e0000, 0x324e0000, 0x324e0000)
       space 245760K, 13% used
       [0x1f8e0000, 0x219236e8, 0x2e8e0000)
       space 30720K, 64% used
       [0x2e8e0000, 0x2fc50488, 0x306e0000)
       space 30720K, 0% used
       [0x306e0000, 0x306e0000, 0x324e0000)
       tenured generation
       total 581632K, used 18170K
       [0x324e0000, 0x55ce0000, 0x55ce0000)
       space 581632K, 3% used
       [0x324e0000, 0x3369e858, 0x3369ea00, 0x55ce0000)
       compacting perm gen
       total 16384K, used 10500K
       [0x55ce0000, 0x56ce0000, 0x59ce0000)
       space 16384K, 64% used
       [0x55ce0000, 0x567213b0, 0x56721400, 0x56ce0000)

      If JIT is disabled, the problem does not occur but performance is not
      acceptable. Also, if I run at a lower load, problem does not occur.

      I tried increasing the MaxPermSize set to 128M but still got the
      failure. We do end up loading lot of classes (roughly 1500 or so)
      during the benchmark run. We also observed the JVM's GC activity using
      "jvmstat" tool at 500 ms interval. The permsize never exceeded 15M.

            duke J. Duke
            cprasadsunw Ck Prasad (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
