Resolution: Duplicate
The Java Sound Demo installs a directory JavaSoundDemo that contains JavaSoundDemo.jar and a subdir audio with sound files. If the Java Sound Demo is started with java -jar JavaSoundDemo.jar while the current working directory is JavaSoundDemo, it works like expected. However, if the demo is started from a different directory with a command like java -jar dir/dir/javaSoundDemo/JavaSoundDemo.jar, the sound files are not loaded (there is not list of filenames on the left side of the JukeBox tab. I suppose this is because the JavaSoundDemo uses filenames relateive to the current working directory to locate the files. If this is the case, a solution migt be to include the sound files into the .jar and load them from there.
- duplicates
JDK-6432318 JavaSoundDemo: make good examples to work with JavaSE 5.0+
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