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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4933501

DeployProxySelector does not recognize socket and serversocket URI


    • tiger
    • sparc
    • solaris_10
    • Verified

      Tested OS : Solaris 10 Sparc S10_43 ja, ja_JP.PCK, ja_JP.UTF8 locale
                  Solaris 9 UR4 Sparc ja, ja_JP.PCK locale

      Window Manager : Gnome/CDE

      Browser : NS7

      Tiger build : b22

      The applets for i18n-plugin testing can't be loaded on NS7 on Solaris.

      To reproduce,
       Go to the URL below;

      NS7.0 trys to load the applet, however, there is no response.
      The applet can't be loaded.

      This is reproducible also on C locale.

      This is not reproducible with b21.
      This is not reproducible with b22 on NS4.7x.
      This is not reproducible on Windows XP pro witn NS7.

      This is a regression to the previous build.


      This problem is seen on Solaris 8 Sparc.

      ###@###.### 2003-10-07


      This problem was seen on all the test cases for i18n on the URL;

      However, I tried the deployment team's test cases, Relative Dimention;

      This problem was not seen and the applets worked fine.
      So it seems that this problem is specific to the i18n test cases.

      And I tried the steps as below and the strange behavior was seen;

      1)Relative dimention BAT & QL
      Invoking Test 1: test1.html ---> The status is PASSED and applet is loaded
      2)Relative dimention BAT & QL
      Invoking Test 5: test5.html ---> The status is PASSED and applet is loaded
      3)I18n test case : TestCase #3
      ---> The problem is seen.
      4) Do the step 1) again ---> The status is PASSED, but applet is not loaded
      properly(= the picture is not displayed on the demo).
      5) Do the step 2) again ---> The status is PASSED, and the same result as 4)

      Before invoking the i18n test case at step3), the relative dimention test cases worked fine, but after step 3), they didn't work properly.

      ###@###.### 2003-10-08


      I tried the same test with b23 on Solaris 10 IA(S10_44) and Solaris 8 IA.
      This bug was reproducible.

      ###@###.### 2003-10-10

      As described in Evaluation, when the bug occurs, the message on Java Console is as below;
      STATUS: Hello-I18N-Applet START
      setup a connection...
      connection to server: i18n-u1-26c.sfbay.sun.com, port: 8080
      With b21, the applet works properly and the message below follows.
      connected to the server

      After the bug occurs with Hello-I18N-Applet(http://i18n-u1-26c.sfbay.sun.com:8080/jaws-i18n/test/bat/hello-i18n.html), when I try Basic-2D-Features(http://i18n-u1-26c.sfbay.sun.com:8080/jaws-i18n/test/bat/basic2d.html), no message is displayed about Basic-2D-Features.

      If Basic-2D-Features works correctly, the message blow is displayed :
      STATUS: Basic-2D-Features START
      setup a connection...
      connection to server: i18n-u1-26c.sfbay.sun.com, port: 8080
      connected to the server

      plugin seems hung in trying to connect the server with Hello-I18N-Applet.

      ###@###.### 2003-10-14


      I saw this was reproducible with b24's j2re on Solaris 9 Sparc UR4 and Solaris 10 Sparc S10_44.

      On Solaris9 UR4 and Solaris 10, I used Netscape 7.0 which S9 and S10 have by defalut and on Solaris8 I installed NS7 by myself;

      1)making the symbolic link on /usr/dt/appconfig/SUNWns/plugins/ as below:

        ln -s $JAVAHOME/plugin/sparc/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so .

      2)Launching /usr/dt/appconfig/SUNWns/netscape &

      3)Checking NS7's Help->About plugins
        b24's plug-in is correctly loaded.

      ###@###.### 2003-10-17

            stanleyh Stanley Ho (Inactive)
            mtokunagsunw Miki Tokunaga (Inactive)
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