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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4984072

SchemaFactory.newSchema() throws NPE for all sources



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P2
    • 5.0
    • 5.0
    • xml
    • b38
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified


      Schema(java.net.URL schema)
      // supports and return a valid Schema instance
      // Schema is null should throw NPE

        private void checkSchemaFactory13() {
              try {
                  URL url13 = null;
      SchemaFactory sf13 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      Schema schema13 = sf13.newSchema(url13);
            if (schema13 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory13() failed - expected null pointer exception not thrown ");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" Expected NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory13() - passed");
      // } catch (MalformedURLException mue){
      // System.out.println(" MalformedURLException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory13() failed ");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory13() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory13() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory13() failed");

      // test for getErrorHandler()
      // errorhandler is set to null , should return null

          private void checkSchemaFactory14() {
              try {
                  ErrorHandler eh14 = null;
      SchemaFactory sf14 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      //System.out.println("ErrorHandler object :"+sf11.getErrorHandler() );
      if( sf14.getErrorHandler() == null ){
                  System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory14() passed");
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory14() - failed "+e.getMessage());

      // test for get & set ErrorHandler()
      // MyErrorHandler is set using setErrorHandler , getErrorHandler should return instance of same

          private void checkSchemaFactory15() {
              try {
                  MyErrorHandler meh15 = new MyErrorHandler();
      SchemaFactory sf15 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      //System.out.println("ErrorHandler object :"+sf15.getErrorHandler() );
      if( sf15.getErrorHandler() == null ){
                  System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory15() failed");
                  if ( sf15.getErrorHandler() instanceof MyErrorHandler ){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory15() passed ");
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory15() - failed "+e.getMessage());

      // test for newInstance(null)
      // should throw NPE

          private void checkSchemaFactory16() {
              try {
                  String schemaLanguage = null;
      SchemaFactory sf16 = SchemaFactory.newInstance(schemaLanguage);
                  System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory16() failed - Expected NPE not thrown ");

      } catch (NullPointerException npe ){
      System.out.println(" Expected NPE thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory16() - passed ");
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory16() failed - Expected NPE , but thrown "+e.getMessage());

      // test for getErrorHandler()
      // when SchemaFactory is created , initially ErrorHandler is set to null
      // getErrorHandler() should return null

          private void checkSchemaFactory17() {
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf17 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      if( sf17.getErrorHandler() == null ){
                   System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory17() passed");
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory17() - failed "+e.getMessage());

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source schema)
      // supports and return a valid Schema instance
      // SAXSource

        private void checkSchemaFactory18() {
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf18 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      InputSource is18 = new InputSource (new FileInputStream(xmlPath + "test.xsd"));
      SAXSource saxSource18 = new SAXSource (is18);
      Schema schema18 = sf18.newSchema(saxSource18);
      if (schema18 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory18() passed");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory18() - failed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory18() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory18() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory18() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source schema)
      // schema is null - should throw null pointer exception
      // SAXSource - schema is null
      //SAXSource(null) throws NPE

        private void checkSchemaFactory19() {
        File f19 = null ;
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf19 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      InputSource is19 = new InputSource (new FileInputStream(f19));
      SAXSource saxSource19 = new SAXSource (is19);
      Schema schema19 = sf19.newSchema(saxSource19);
      if (schema19 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory19() failed - expected null pointer exception not thrown ");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" Expected NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory19() - passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory19() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory19() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory19() failed");
      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source[] schemas)
      // supports and returns a valid Schema instance
      // read all the Sources and combine them into a single schema
      //( semantics of the combination depends on the schema language that this SchemaFactory object is created for)
      // SAXSource[] both valid

        private void checkSchemaFactory20() {
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf20 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      InputSource is200 = new InputSource (new FileInputStream(xmlPath + "test.xsd"));
      SAXSource saxSource200 = new SAXSource (is200);
      InputSource is201 = new InputSource (new FileInputStream(xmlPath + "test1.xsd"));
      SAXSource saxSource201 = new SAXSource (is201);
      Schema schema20 = sf20.newSchema(new SAXSource[]{ saxSource200 , saxSource201 });
      if (schema20 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory20() passed");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory20() - failed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory20() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory20() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory20() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source[] schemas)
      // supports and returns a valid Schema instance
      // read all the Sources and combine them into a single schema
      //( semantics of the combination depends on the schema language that this SchemaFactory object is created for)
      // one schema is null , so should throw NPE
      // SAXSource[] - one schema is valid & other null
      //SAXSource(null) throws NPE
        private void checkSchemaFactory21() {
        File f21 = null ;
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf21 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      InputSource is210 = new InputSource (new FileInputStream(xmlPath + "test.xsd"));
      SAXSource saxSource210 = new SAXSource (is210);
      InputSource is211 = new InputSource (new FileInputStream(f21));
      SAXSource saxSource211 = new SAXSource (is211);
      Schema schema21 = sf21.newSchema(new SAXSource[]{ saxSource210 , saxSource211 });
      if (schema21 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory021() failed - expected null pointer exception not thrown ");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" Expected NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory21() - passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory21() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory21() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory21() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source schema)
      // supports and returns a valid Schema instance
      // read all the Sources and combine them into a single schema
      //( semantics of the combination depends on the schema language that this SchemaFactory object is created for)
      // both schemas are null - should throw null pointer exception
      // SAXSource[] - both schemas are null
      //SAXSource(null) throws NPE

       private void checkSchemaFactory22() {
        File f220 = null ;
        File f221 = null ;
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf22 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      InputSource is220 = new InputSource (new FileInputStream(f220));
      SAXSource saxSource220 = new SAXSource (is220);
      InputSource is221 = new InputSource (new FileInputStream(f221));
      SAXSource saxSource221 = new SAXSource (is221);
      Schema schema22 = sf22.newSchema(new SAXSource[]{ saxSource220 , saxSource221 });
      if (schema22 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory22() failed - expected null pointer exception not thrown ");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" Expected NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory22() - passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory22() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory22() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory22() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source schema)
      // supports and return a valid Schema instance
      // DOMSource - valid schema

        private void checkSchemaFactory23() {
              try {
                  Document document23 = null;
      SchemaFactory sf23 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      DocumentBuilderFactory dbf23 = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
      document23 = dbf23.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new File(xmlPath + "test.xsd"));
      DOMSource domSource23 = new DOMSource(document23);
      Schema schema23 = sf23.newSchema(domSource23);
      if (schema23 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory23() passed");

      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory23() - failed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory23() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory23() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory23() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source schema)
      // DOMSource - null
        private void checkSchemaFactory24() {
                try {
            SchemaFactory sf24 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      DOMSource domSource24 = null ; //new DOMSource(document24);
      Schema schema24 = sf24.newSchema(domSource24);
      if (schema24 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory24() failed - expected null pointer exception not thrown ");
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae){
      System.out.println(" IAE thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory24() - failed");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" Expected NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory24() - passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory24() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory24() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory24() failed");

      verified in Tiger 1.5.0-beta2-b44
      ###@###.### 2004-03-30
      SchemaFactory.newSchema() throws NPE for all sources - (Stream,URL,file, SAXSource,DOMSource)

      Sample testcase is attached (SchemaFactory01.java) - tests 4,6,8,12,18,20,23,25 failed .


      import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
      import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory;

      import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
      import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
      import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
      import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
      import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException;
      import org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException;

      import org.w3c.dom.Document;

      import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
      import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
      import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;

      import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
      import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

      import java.io.File;
      import java.io.FileInputStream;

      import java.net.URL;
      import java.net.MalformedURLException;

      public class SchemaFactory01 {
          String xmlPath = "";
          String testDirPath = "";
         // constructor
          SchemaFactory01() {
          testDirPath = "/home/sa122568/Jaxp/test";
          xmlPath = testDirPath + "/xmlfiles/";
      // main()
          public static void main(String[] argv) {
              SchemaFactory01 schemaFactory01 = new SchemaFactory01();
          } // end main()

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - supports

          private void checkSchemaFactory01() {
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf1 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
                  System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory01() passed");
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory01() - failed ");
      // test for RELAX NG 1.0
      // does not support so throws IllegalArgumentException

         private void checkSchemaFactory02() {
              try {
                  SchemaFactory sf2 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0");
                  System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory02() : failed Expected IllegalArgumentException not thrown");
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae ){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory02() : passed Expected IllegalArgumentException thrown ");

      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory02() : failed Expected IllegalArgumentException , but thrown "+e.getMessage());

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema()
      // supports and return a valid Schema instance
        private void checkSchemaFactory03() {
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf3 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
                  Schema schema3 = sf3.newSchema();
                  if (schema3 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory03() passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory03() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory03() failed ");
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory03() failed");
      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(java.io.File schema)
      // supports and return a valid Schema instance

        private void checkSchemaFactory04() {
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf4 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      Schema schema4 = sf4.newSchema(new File(xmlPath+"test.xsd"));
                  if (schema4 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory04() passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory04() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory04() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory04() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(java.io.File schema)
      // schema is null - should throw null pointer exception

        private void checkSchemaFactory05() {
        File f5 = null ;
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf5 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      Schema schema5 = sf5.newSchema(f5);
      if (schema5 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory05() failed - expected null pointer exception not thrown ");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" Expected NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory05() - passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory05() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory05() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory05() failed");
      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source schema)
      // supports and return a valid Schema instance
      // StreamSource - valid

        private void checkSchemaFactory06() {
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf6 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      Schema schema6 = sf6.newSchema(new StreamSource (new File(xmlPath+"test.xsd")));
                  if (schema6 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory06() passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory06() ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory06() " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory06() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source schema)
      // schema is null - should throw null pointer exception
      // StreamSource - null
        private void checkSchemaFactory07() {
        File f7 = null ;
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf7 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      Schema schema7 = sf7.newSchema(new StreamSource (f7));
      if (schema7 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory07() failed - expected null pointer exception not thrown ");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" Expected NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory07() - passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory07() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory07() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory07() failed");
      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source[] schemas)
      // supports and returns a valid Schema instance
      // read all the Sources and combine them into a single schema
      //( semantics of the combination depends on the schema language that this SchemaFactory object is created for)
      // StreamSource[] - 2 valid schemas

        private void checkSchemaFactory08() {
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf8 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      Schema schema8 = sf8.newSchema(new StreamSource[]{new StreamSource(new File(xmlPath+"test.xsd")),new StreamSource(new File(xmlPath+"test1.xsd")) });
                  if (schema8 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory08() passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory08() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory08() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory08() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source[] schemas)
      // supports and returns a valid Schema instance
      // read all the Sources and combine them into a single schema
      //( semantics of the combination depends on the schema language that this SchemaFactory object is created for)
      // one schema is null , so should throw NPE
      // StreamSource[] - 1 valid schema and other null
        private void checkSchemaFactory09() {
        File f9 = null ;
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf9 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      Schema schema9 = sf9.newSchema(new StreamSource[]{new StreamSource(new File(xmlPath+"test.xsd")),new StreamSource(f9) });
      if (schema9 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory09() failed - expected null pointer exception not thrown ");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" Expected NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory09() - passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory09() ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory09() " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory09() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(Source schema)
      // supports and returns a valid Schema instance
      // read all the Sources and combine them into a single schema
      //( semantics of the combination depends on the schema language that this SchemaFactory object is created for)
      // both schemas are null - should throw null pointer exception
      // StreamSource[] - both schemas are null
       private void checkSchemaFactory10() {
        File f100 = null ;
        File f101 = null ;
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf10 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      Schema schema10 = sf10.newSchema(new StreamSource[]{new StreamSource(f100) , new StreamSource(f101) });
      if (schema10 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory10() failed - expected null pointer exception not thrown ");
      } catch (NullPointerException npe){
      System.out.println(" Expected NullPointerException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory10() - passed");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory10() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory10() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory10() failed");

      // test for getErrorHandler()
      // errorhandler is not set , should return null
      // by default errorhandler is set to null

          private void checkSchemaFactory11() {
              try {
      SchemaFactory sf11 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      //System.out.println("ErrorHandler object :"+sf11.getErrorHandler() );
      if( sf11.getErrorHandler() == null ){
                  System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory11() passed");
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory11() - failed "+e.getMessage());

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - newSchema(java.net.URL schema)
      // supports and return a valid Schema instance

        private void checkSchemaFactory12() {
              try {
                  URL url12 = new URL("http://sqindia.india.sun.com/disk06/tea/sreejith/jaxp/test.xsd");
      SchemaFactory sf12 = SchemaFactory.newInstance("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
      Schema schema12 = sf12.newSchema(url12);
                  if (schema12 instanceof Schema){
      System.out.println("SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory12() passed");
      } catch (MalformedURLException mue){
      System.out.println(" MalformedURLException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory12() failed ");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){
      System.out.println(" UnsupportedOperationException thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory12() failed ");
      } catch (SAXException saxe){
      System.out.println(" Operation supported but failed in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory12() failed " + saxe.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e ){
      System.out.println(" Exception thrown in SchemaFactory01/checkSchemaFactory12() failed");

      // test for W3C XML Schema 1.0 - new


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