Name: ooR10006 Date: 01/28/2004
The latest JSR201-public-draft says that automatically generated
enum class's VALUES static field is substituted with a values()
static method, however, jdk1.5.0-b35 javac generates +VALUES
private static field without ACC_SYNTHETIC flag.
For the following simple class:
public enum E {
e1(1), e2(2);
E(int value) { this.value = value; }
private final int value;
public int value() { return value; }
the javac -source 1.5 generates (JASM code):
super public enum class E
extends java/lang/Enum
version 49:0
public static enum final Field e1:"LE;";
public static enum final Field e2:"LE;";
private final Field value:I;
private static final Field "+VALUES":"[LE;";
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no synthetic
public static final Method values:"()[LE;"
stack 1 locals 0
getstatic Field "+VALUES":"[LE;";
invokevirtual Method "[LE;".clone:"()Ljava/lang/Object;";
checkcast class "[LE;";
Due to this, JDWP test vm/jdwp/ReferenceType/Fields/fields002/fields002.html