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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4987996

NEWHPROF: Java2Demo with hprof crashes when abruptly terminated (GcOccurred)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • 5.0
    • tools
    • None
    • generic
    • generic

      Filing just "for the record", this is difficult to reproduce.

      java_g -agentlib:hprof -jar /opt/java/j2sdk1.4.2/demo/jfc/Java2D/Java2Demo.jar

      when the initial progress bar window comes up I hit the close (x) immediately
      or doing a ^C from the command window where it started, got this once:

      thread 2
        ---- called from signal handler with signal 10 (SIGBUS) ------
        [20] ContiguousSpace::object_iterate_from(this = ???, mark = CLASS, blk = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe4943ec (line ~577) in "space.cpp"
        [21] ContiguousSpace::object_iterate(this = ???, blk = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe494364 (line ~571) in "space.cpp"
        [22] DefNewGeneration::object_iterate(this = ???, blk = ???) (optimized), at 0xfdf5ccec (line ~395) in "defNewGeneration.cpp"
        [23] GenCollectedHeap::object_iterate(this = ???, cl = ???) (optimized), at 0xfdf944e4 (line ~757) in "genCollectedHeap.cpp"
        [24] IterateOverReachableObjectOperation::doit(this = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe365c50 (line ~1973) in "jvmtiTagMap.cpp"
        [25] VM_Operation::evaluate(this = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe58ab08 (line ~20) in "vm_operations.cpp"
        [26] VMThread::loop(this = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe5898f0 (line ~285) in "vmThread.cpp"
        [27] VMThread::run(this = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe588180 (line ~161) in "vmThread.cpp"
        [28] _start(data = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe40d8fc (line ~744) in "os_solaris.cpp"

      thread 14
      Current function is Monitor::wait (optimized)
        [1] ___lwp_cond_wait(0x4, 0xb1ce8, 0x0, 0x26000, 0x2398c, 0x23800), at 0xff31db38
        [2] _lwp_cond_wait(0xb1d00, 0xb1ce8, 0xfef633d8, 0xff314d4c, 0x0, 0x25290), at 0xff314d58
      =>[3] Monitor::wait(this = ???, no_safepoint_check = ???, timeout = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe3cd128 (line ~133) in "mutex_solaris.cpp"
        [4] VMThread::execute(op = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe58a1b8 (line ~418) in "vmThread.cpp"
        [5] JvmtiTagMap::iterate_over_reachable_objects(this = ???, heap_root_callback = ???, stack_ref_callback = ???, object_ref_callback = ???, user_data = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe36602c (line ~2024) in "jvmtiTagMap.cpp"
        [6] JvmtiEnv::IterateOverReachableObjects(this = ???, heap_root_callback = ???, stack_ref_callback = ???, object_ref_callback = ???, user_data = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe318b40 (line ~1215) in "jvmtiEnv.cpp"
        [7] jvmti_IterateOverReachableObjects(env = ???, heap_root_callback = ???, stack_ref_callback = ???, object_ref_callback = ???, user_data = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe24a064 (line ~1341) in "jvmtiEnter.cpp"
        [8] iterateOverReachableObjects(heap_root_callback = 0xfdb4e0f8 = &`libhprof_g.so`hprof_site.c`root_object(jvmtiHeapRootKind root_kind, jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong *tag_ptr, void *user_data), stack_ref_callback = 0xfdb4e4d0 = &`libhprof_g.so`hprof_site.c`stack_object(jvmtiHeapRootKind root_kind, jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong *tag_ptr, jlong thread_tag, jint depth, jmethodID method, jint slot, void *user_data), object_ref_callback = 0xfdb4e840 = &`libhprof_g.so`hprof_site.c`reference_object(jvmtiObjectReferenceKind reference_kind, jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong *tag_ptr, jlong referrer_tag, jint referrer_index, void *user_data), user_data = 0xf1a7e8bc), line 1417 in "hprof_util.c"
        [9] site_heapdump(env = 0x648d5c), line 624 in "hprof_site.c"
        [10] dump_all_data(env = 0x648d5c), line 774 in "hprof_init.c"
        [11] cbVMDeath(jvmti = 0x39a6c, env = 0x648d5c), line 1143 in "hprof_init.c"
        [12] JvmtiExport::post_vm_death() (optimized), at 0xfe334d04 (line ~754) in "jvmtiExport.cpp"
        [13] before_exit(thread = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe025908 (line ~310) in "java.cpp"
        [14] JVM_Halt(code = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe10caec (line ~305) in "jvm.cpp"
        [15] Java_java_lang_Shutdown_halt0(env = 0x648d5c, ignored = 0xf1a7ee18, code = 0), line 18 in "Shutdown.c"
        [16] 0xfa810344(0xf6624700, 0xf1a7ee94, 0xf1a7ee18, 0xffffff80, 0x6, 0x3ec), at 0xfa810343
        [17] 0xfa810214(0xfefcf1a8, 0x24c00, 0x0, 0x4, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7ee30), at 0xfa810213
        [18] 0xfa805664(0xfefcf1a8, 0x24c00, 0x0, 0xfa825dd8, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7eec0), at 0xfa805663
        [19] 0xfa805664(0xfefcf1a8, 0x24c00, 0x0, 0xfa825dd8, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7ef58), at 0xfa805663
        [20] 0xfa805664(0xf2619360, 0x24c00, 0x0, 0xfa825dd8, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7efe0), at 0xfa805663
        [21] 0xfa805664(0xfefcf1a8, 0x24c00, 0x0, 0xfa825778, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7f060), at 0xfa805663
        [22] 0xfa805664(0xf261d0d8, 0xf65e3418, 0x0, 0xfa825dd8, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7f0d8), at 0xfa805663
        [23] 0xfa805b2c(0xf2611878, 0xb7, 0xf1a7f240, 0xfa825fa0, 0xfe68f7e6, 0xf1a7f160), at 0xfa805b2b
        [24] 0xfa805664(0xf2611878, 0xb6, 0x35, 0xfa8259a0, 0xf690d3f8, 0xf1a7f1e0), at 0xfa805663
        [25] 0xfa805664(0xf2611878, 0xb6, 0x0, 0xfa825640, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7f260), at 0xfa805663
        [26] 0xfa805664(0xf2611878, 0xb7, 0xf1a7f3f0, 0xfa825640, 0xfefb27c8, 0xf1a7f2f8), at 0xfa805663
        [27] 0xfa805664(0xf2611878, 0xb7, 0xf1a7f470, 0xfa8259a0, 0xa4000, 0xf1a7f390), at 0xfa805663
        [28] 0xfa805664(0xf2611878, 0xb6, 0xf1a7f4f0, 0xfa8259a0, 0xfefcf1a8, 0xf1a7f410), at 0xfa805663
        [29] 0xfa805664(0xf2611878, 0xb6, 0xf1a7f578, 0xfa825640, 0xf65dac98, 0xf1a7f490), at 0xfa805663
        [30] 0xfa805664(0xf26112c0, 0xb6, 0xf1a7f60c, 0xfa825640, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7f518), at 0xfa805663
        [31] 0xfa805664(0xf24b7978, 0xb6, 0x0, 0xfa825640, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7f5b0), at 0xfa805663
        [32] 0xfa8056a8(0xf24b7978, 0x24c00, 0x0, 0xfa825640, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7f630), at 0xfa8056a7
        [33] 0xfa805664(0xf24b7978, 0x24c00, 0x0, 0xfa825640, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7f6b8), at 0xfa805663
        [34] 0xfa805664(0xf24b7978, 0x24c00, 0x0, 0xfa825640, 0x24f28, 0xf1a7f738), at 0xfa805663
        [35] 0xfa805664(0x23, 0xf1a7fb14, 0x22, 0xfa8259a0, 0x21f70, 0xf1a7f7d8), at 0xfa805663
        [36] 0xfa8001c8(0xf1a7f8c4, 0xf1a7fb08, 0xa, 0xf690ac48, 0xfa80de40, 0xf1a7fa30), at 0xfa8001c7
        [37] JavaCalls::call_helper(result = ???, m = ???, args = ???, __the_thread__ = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe02a988 (line ~293) in "javaCalls.cpp"
        [38] JavaCalls::call_virtual(result = ???, spec_klass = CLASS, name = CLASS, signature = CLASS, args = ???, __the_thread__ = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe02964c (line ~171) in "javaCalls.cpp"
        [39] JavaCalls::call_virtual(result = ???, receiver = CLASS, spec_klass = CLASS, name = CLASS, signature = CLASS, __the_thread__ = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe029700 (line ~186) in "javaCalls.cpp"
        [40] thread_entry(thread = ???, __the_thread__ = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe14d4c4 (line ~2244) in "jvm.cpp"
        [41] JavaThread::thread_main_inner(this = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe4fd894 (line ~1315) in "thread.cpp"
        [42] _start(data = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe40d8fc (line ~744) in "os_solaris.cpp"

      thread 16
        [1] ___lwp_cond_wait(0x4, 0x213730, 0x0, 0x26000, 0x2398c, 0x23800), at 0xff31db38
        [2] _lwp_cond_wait(0x213748, 0x213730, 0x0, 0xfe3f7f14, 0xf2400000, 0x25290), at 0xff314d58
      =>[3] ObjectMonitor::EnterI(this = ???, __the_thread__ = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe3f7f30 (line ~291) in "objectMonitor_solaris.cpp"
        [4] ObjectMonitor::raw_enter(this = ???, __the_thread__ = ???, isRawMonitor = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe3fb530 (line ~760) in "objectMonitor_solaris.cpp"
        [5] JvmtiEnv::RawMonitorEnter(this = ???, rmonitor = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe321618 (line ~2757) in "jvmtiEnv.cpp"
        [6] rawMonitorEnter(m = 0x78a00), line 206 in "hprof_util.c"
        [7] cbGarbageCollectionOccurred(jvmti = 0x39a6c, env = 0x213284), line 1540 in "hprof_init.c"
        [8] JvmtiExport::post_garbage_collection_occurred() (optimized), at 0xfe34b754 (line ~1842) in "jvmtiExport.cpp"
        [9] TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy::mem_allocate_work(this = ???, size = ???, is_large_noref = ???, is_tlab = ???) (optimized), at 0xfdef05ec (line ~142) in "collectorPolicy.cpp"
        [10] CollectedHeap::common_mem_allocate_noinit(size = ???, is_noref = ???, __the_thread__ = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe51e938 (line ~49) in "collectedHeap.inline.hpp"
        [11] typeArrayKlass::allocate(this = ???, length = ???, __the_thread__ = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe51c260 (line ~50) in "typeArrayKlass.cpp"
        [12] InterpreterRuntime::newarray(thread = ???, type = ???, size = ???) (optimized), at 0xfdffc398 (line ~101) in "interpreterRuntime.cpp"
        [13] 0xfa8269b8(0xf258f338, 0xf69c30e8, 0xed77ee0c, 0xfa81a4e0, 0x1, 0xed77ed10), at 0xfa8269b7
        [14] 0xfa805b2c(0xf25ac720, 0xb6, 0xed77eeac, 0xfa8260d8, 0x2398c, 0xed77edb0), at 0xfa805b2b
        [15] 0xfa8057b8(0x2c, 0xed77f9a0, 0x2b, 0xfa825778, 0x21f70, 0xed77ee50), at 0xfa8057b7
        [16] 0xfa8001c8(0xed77ef44, 0xed77f138, 0xa, 0xf69e2bc0, 0xfa80de40, 0xed77f03c), at 0xfa8001c7
        [17] JavaCalls::call_helper(result = ???, m = ???, args = ???, __the_thread__ = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe02a988 (line ~293) in "javaCalls.cpp"
        [18] jni_invoke_nonstatic(env = ???, result = ???, receiver = ???, call_type = ???, method_id = ???, args = ???, __the_thread__ = ???) (optimized), at 0xfe04e02c (line ~790) in "jni.cpp"
        [19] jni_CallBooleanMethod(env = ???, obj = ???, methodID = ???, ...) (optimized), at 0xfe0538e8 (line ~1046) in "jni.cpp"
        [20] Java_sun_awt_image_JPEGImageDecoder_readImage(env = 0x213284, this = 0xed77f6dc, hInputStream = 0xed77f6d8, hInputBuffer = 0xed77f6d4), line 680 in "jpegdecoder.c"

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