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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4990054

Overwritting of hindi characters when inputing in JTextField,JTextArea,JTable et


      Given below is the example to reproduce the hindi character overwritting problem found with JTextField,JTextArea etc where in you can provide the input.
      Example taken for Hindi locale on sol-09:
      1)After setting up the IME to hindi(indic:lookup:hindi), type in the following sequence: Oh""(Note that it is capital letter 'O' + h + " + ").
      2)This above sequence generates the hindi letters in this way:- first three inputs O+h+" will produce one word in hindi (called Mai). The fourth input (") should generate the corresponding hindi char(.) next/adjacent to this word formed. But the problem observed was the fourth input (") will generate the corresponding hindi char(.) on top of the format obtained from first three input(Oh") thus resulting in the overwritting of characters.
      3)This has been tested and reproduced with j2sdk1.4.2 release also.
         Has been tested & reproduced on platforms like win2k-pro, xphome,sol-08 also
      4)There are 2 attachments to demonstrate this problem.

      ###@###.### 2004-02-06
      ###@###.### 2004-02-06

            peterz Peter Zhelezniakov
            malobo Mangala Lobo (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
