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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4996959

SOLARIS BUILD: vm.make needs to use the full path of /bin/sum


    • b41
    • generic
    • generic

      ###@###.### 2004-02-18

      Peter Kessler reported this bug:

      Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 18:01:18 -0800
      From: "Peter B. Kessler" <###@###.###>
      Subject: "JvmOffsets.cpp", line 10: Error?

      I'm trying to build on solaris-sparc. I think I'm doing a clean
      build from scratch in a child of gc_baseline. I'm consistently
      dying on all builds (c1, c2, product, fastdebug), with (sorry for
      the long lines):

           sum: Can't open -r
           "JvmOffsets.cpp", line 10: Error: "}" expected instead of "1".
           1 Error(s) detected.
           gnumake[2]: *** [JvmOffsets.o] Error 1
           gnumake[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
           gnumake[2]: Leaving directory `/disk1/export/pbk/Workspaces/build/4962463/build/solaris/solaris_sparc_compiler1/jvmg'
           gnumake[1]: *** [the_vm] Error 2
           gnumake[1]: Leaving directory `/disk1/export/pbk/Workspaces/build/4962463/build/solaris/solaris_sparc_compiler1/jvmg'
           gnumake: *** [jvmg1] Error 2

      That looks like a path problem. I have /usr/ucb before /bin in
      my path, so I get /usr/ucb/sum instead of /bin/sum. /usr/ucb/sum
      doesn't have a -r option.

      I think the makefiles should be changed to refer to /bin/sum
      explicitly. The problem seems to be in build/solaris/makefiles/vm.make:

           $(JVMOFFS).c.csum: $(GENOFFS) $(JVMOFFS)Index.h $(JVMOFFS).cpp
            $(QUIETLY) cat $(JVMOFFS)Index.h $(JVMOFFS).cpp | sum -r | tr -d ' ' > $@

      I guess I'll go change my path temporarily.

      ... peter

      Peter is right, the following line is a cause of the problem:
            $(QUIETLY) cat $(JVMOFFS)Index.h $(JVMOFFS).cpp | sum -r | tr -d ' ' > $@

      Above, the 'sum' has to be replaced with '/bin/sum' or '/usr/bin/sum'.
      The bug has been introduced in HS build b39 with fix of 4974749:
        Synopsis: dtrace java support for ustack is broken from b31

      The problem exists on Solaris only.


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