The startup time of NetBeans application on Win XP executed with J2SDK1.5.0 is worse than with J2SDK1.4.2. Though there is no big difference on a warm vanilla start more complex cases show significant regression (~19%).
Here are steps how to reproduce this behaviour:
- download & install/extract NetBeans3.6beta (build 200402042050) from . It is enough to d/l zip archives.
- run the IDE from dir where it is extracted with command
'netbeans\bin\runide.exe -userdir testuserdir -jdkhome <path_to_jdk> -J-Dnetbeans.full.hack=true'
Measured values for IDE start on rebooted machine with j2sdk1.5.0b39 (two columns for two repeated measurements):
Cold start:
46.7 46.8
Subsequent (warm) starts:
8.5 8.6
8.3 8.1
7.6 7.5
7.4 7.5
Open 3 files (ColorPreview, ColorPreviewBeanInfo, README) and output window shown:
25.3 25
25.5 25.2
25.4 25
The same setup with class sharing turned off (-J-Xshare:off added to command line option):
27.8 27.4
26.4 25.8
26.4 26.4
26.3 26.1
Results when the same case is run on J2SDK1.4.2_03
Cold start:
45.1 42.1
Subsequent (warm) starts:
8.2 8.1
8.3 8.2
7.6 7.6
7.6 7.6
Open 3 files (ColorPreview, ColorPreviewBeanInfo, README) and output window shown:
21 21.1
21.2 21
21.3 21
###@###.### 2004-02-27
###@###.### 2004-02-27
Here are steps how to reproduce this behaviour:
- download & install/extract NetBeans3.6beta (build 200402042050) from . It is enough to d/l zip archives.
- run the IDE from dir where it is extracted with command
'netbeans\bin\runide.exe -userdir testuserdir -jdkhome <path_to_jdk> -J-Dnetbeans.full.hack=true'
Measured values for IDE start on rebooted machine with j2sdk1.5.0b39 (two columns for two repeated measurements):
Cold start:
46.7 46.8
Subsequent (warm) starts:
8.5 8.6
8.3 8.1
7.6 7.5
7.4 7.5
Open 3 files (ColorPreview, ColorPreviewBeanInfo, README) and output window shown:
25.3 25
25.5 25.2
25.4 25
The same setup with class sharing turned off (-J-Xshare:off added to command line option):
27.8 27.4
26.4 25.8
26.4 26.4
26.3 26.1
Results when the same case is run on J2SDK1.4.2_03
Cold start:
45.1 42.1
Subsequent (warm) starts:
8.2 8.1
8.3 8.2
7.6 7.6
7.6 7.6
Open 3 files (ColorPreview, ColorPreviewBeanInfo, README) and output window shown:
21 21.1
21.2 21
21.3 21
###@###.### 2004-02-27
###@###.### 2004-02-27