From an email exchange regarding bug 4985703 about demo installation on Solaris
(this appears to be about the Solaris demo packages in SUNWj3dmo and SUNWj5dmo
that are installed with Tiger):
Is the fact that Sun make no commitment to maintaining or supporting demos
documented anywhere?
If not, is it possible to get this formally documented?
>>The updated CCC request says the following:
>> Sun make *no* commitment to maintaining or supporting demos.
>>Is this documented somewhere?
>>Perhaps this should be clearly stated in the J2SE documentation, so
>>that customers don't expect demos to be backward compatible.
>We have never, ever, ever committed to support demo code of any sort.
>If we need to document this then that should be done globally in the
>documentation for all the demos.
(this appears to be about the Solaris demo packages in SUNWj3dmo and SUNWj5dmo
that are installed with Tiger):
Is the fact that Sun make no commitment to maintaining or supporting demos
documented anywhere?
If not, is it possible to get this formally documented?
>>The updated CCC request says the following:
>> Sun make *no* commitment to maintaining or supporting demos.
>>Is this documented somewhere?
>>Perhaps this should be clearly stated in the J2SE documentation, so
>>that customers don't expect demos to be backward compatible.
>We have never, ever, ever committed to support demo code of any sort.
>If we need to document this then that should be done globally in the
>documentation for all the demos.