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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5011047

Advertise the jaxp.debug flag more


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • 5.0
    • 1.3.0
    • xml
    • b44
    • generic
    • windows_xp

      One of the most common problem among people using JAXP is the classpath related issue. People spend countless hours tweaking with classpath and trying to find out where JAXP is loading a parser from, or how they can make JAXP load a particular parser from a particular place.

      This is very frustrating even for experienced developers, including ourselves!

      Fortunately, we have a debug switch inside the API for quite some time now, which lets people see exactly how the API is locating the factory. With a recent improvement, this should help trouble-shooting classpath related problems.

      It's been advertised in the validation package and the XPath package. We should advertise this flag bit more.
      ###@###.### 2004-03-10
      ###@###.### 2004-03-10

            kkawagucsunw Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Inactive)
            kkawagucsunw Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Inactive)
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