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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5019350

pkgchk -n error msg in s10_55 for SUNWj5rt


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • None
    • solaris_10
    • install
    • None
    • generic
    • solaris_10

      The install was from s28u7 to s10_55 using DSR. The errors are as follows:

      Checking Package SUNWj5dmo
      ERROR: /usr/demo/J2SE/demo/applets/Blink/Blink$1.class
          modtime <02/02/04 01:21:24 PM> expected <02/23/04 08:49:08 AM> actual
          file size <424> expected <383> actual
          file cksum <18228> expected <15974> actual
      ERROR: /usr/demo/J2SE/demo/jni/Poller/LinkedQueue$LinkedNode.class
          modtime <02/02/04 01:20:13 PM> expected <02/23/04 08:47:55 AM> actual
          file cksum <34360> expected <34358> actual
      ERROR: /usr/demo/J2SE/demo/jni/Poller/PollingServer$Consumer.class
          modtime <02/02/04 01:20:13 PM> expected <02/23/04 08:47:55 AM> actual
          file size <1349> expected <1342> actual
          file cksum <12772> expected <12477> actual
      ERROR: /usr/demo/J2SE/demo/jni/Poller/SimpleServer$ConnHandler.class
          modtime <02/02/04 01:20:13 PM> expected <02/23/04 08:47:55 AM> actual
          file size <1225> expected <1218> actual
          file cksum <8143> expected <7772> actual
      ERROR: /usr/demo/J2SE/demo/plugin/applets/Blink/Blink$1.class
          modtime <02/02/04 01:27:19 PM> expected <02/23/04 08:53:14 AM> actual
          file size <424> expected <383> actual
          file cksum <18228> expected <15974> actual
      Checking Package SUNWj5rt
      ERROR: /usr/share/icons/HighContrast/48x48/apps/sun-java.png
          modtime <03/22/04 08:53:04 PM> expected <03/22/04 08:53:05 PM> actual
      ERROR: /usr/share/icons/HighContrastInverse/48x48/apps/sun-java.png
          modtime <03/22/04 08:53:04 PM> expected <03/22/04 08:53:06 PM> actual
      ERROR: /usr/share/icons/LowContrast/48x48/apps/sun-java.png
          modtime <03/22/04 08:53:04 PM> expected <03/22/04 08:53:06 PM> actual
      ERROR: /usr/share/pixmaps/sun-java.png
          modtime <03/22/04 08:53:04 PM> expected <03/22/04 08:53:05 PM> actual

      The error seems similar to bugID 4919865, and 4450497.

      ###@###.### 2004-03-27

      The SUNWj3dmo and SUNWj5dmo issues are addressed in bugid 4985703:

       4985703 51 2/4 java/install james.melvin
       SUNWj5dmo and SUNWj3dmo are in the same dir, it may cause problems.

      The SUNWj5rt are a different issues and it will be track under this bug.

            mromanchsunw Michael Romanchuk (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
