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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5029960

Inappropriate character encoding specifications


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        Name: nl37777 Date: 04/09/2004

        Several methods in the rowset API and implementation have
        specifications of the form "The byte format of the Unicode stream must
        be Java UTF-8, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification."
        These seem inappropriate, although for different reasons for the
        different methods:

        - In the case of javax.sql.BaseRowset.setCharacterStream, the method
        accepts a Reader. Readers don't produce byte streams, but char streams.
        Their implementations (e.g., InputStreamReader) may consume byte
        streams, but it doesn't seem necessary to specify these byte streams in
        an API that only accepts a Reader. Can this sentence be removed from
        this method?

        - In the case of the com.sun.rowset.JdbcRowSetImpl.getUnicodeStream
        methods, which do return byte streams, it still seems odd to require
        the modified UTF-8 that's used in the JVM. Modified UTF-8 is intended
        only for use within Java, it's incompatible with standard UTF-8, and as
        far as I know, modern data bases use standard UTF-8 (there's also
        CESU-8, which is an older form of UTF-8 and incompatible with both
        standard and modified UTF-8, but I think vendors are trying to get away
        from that). On the other hand, the implementation of these methods
        relies on java.sql.ResultSet.getUnicodeStream, whose specification
        requires yet a different incompatible encoding, UTF-16BE.


              jbrucesunw Jonathan Bruce (Inactive)
              nlindenbsunw Norbert Lindenberg (Inactive)
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