Resolution: Fixed
Name: ipR10196 Date: 04/12/2004
Test : nsk/sajdi/ReferenceType/nestedTypes/nestedtypes001
VM : ServerVM (either 32-bit and 64-bit)
Mode : -Xcomp
Platform : sparc, sparcv9, x86
OS : SunOs 5.8
JDK : 1.5.0-beta2-b46
With SA-JDI connectors ReferenceType.nestedTypes() returns unexpected
(not synthetic!) anonymous type:
type #20
type name: nsk.sajdi.ReferenceType.nestedTypes.nestedtypes001aTestedClass$1
signature: Lnsk/sajdi/ReferenceType/nestedTypes/nestedtypes001aTestedClass$1;
generic: null
modifiers: 0x28
isPublic: false
isPrivate: false
isProtected: false
isPkgPrivate: true
isAbstract: false
isFinal: false
isStatic: true
isPrepared: false
isVerified: false
failedToInit: false
isInterface: false
isSynthetic: false
VM mirror: JVM version 1.5.0-beta2 (Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, compiled mode)
toString: class nsk.sajdi.ReferenceType.nestedTypes.nestedtypes001aTestedClass$1
(loaded by instance of sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader(id=0))
# ERROR: ReferenceType.nestedTypes() returned unexpected type:
# ERROR: type nom: 20
# ERROR: type name: nsk.sajdi.ReferenceType.nestedTypes.nestedtypes001aTestedClass$1
# ERROR: signature: Lnsk/sajdi/ReferenceType/nestedTypes/nestedtypes001aTestedClass$1;
# ERROR: isSynthetic: false
This happens only on Solaris/sparc and Solaris/x86 platforms with
ServerVM in -Xcomp mode. In all other modes nestedTypes() never
returns any anonymous types.
With legacy JDI connectors nestedTypes() also never returns any
anonymous types in all modes.
This bug may be triggered by recent javac changes in b46.
Compiled with javac from b45 this anonymous type have synthetic flag:
type #24
type name: nsk.sajdi.ReferenceType.nestedTypes.nestedtypes001aTestedClass$1
signature: Lnsk/sajdi/ReferenceType/nestedTypes/nestedtypes001aTestedClass$1;
generic: null
modifiers: 0x1028
isPublic: false
isPrivate: false
isProtected: false
isPkgPrivate: true
isAbstract: false
isFinal: false
isStatic: true
isPrepared: false
isVerified: false
failedToInit: false
isInterface: false
isSynthetic: true
VM mirror: JVM version null (null, null)
toString: class nsk.sajdi.ReferenceType.nestedTypes.nestedtypes001aTestedClass$1
(loaded by instance of sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader(id=0))
# WARNING: ReferenceType.fields() returned synthetic type:
To reproduce this failure:
cd /net/jano.sfbay/export/disk20/GammaBase/Bugs/<this bug number>
sh build.sh $JAVA_HOME
sh run.sh [-pid | -core | -socket] [-g] [-v] $JAVA_HOME [JAVA_OPTS]
-pid - run test with SA-JDI pid attaching connector (default)
-core - run test with SA-JDI core attaching connector
-socket - run test with JDI socket attaching connector
-g - run test with java_g binaries
-v - run test in verbose mode
- relates to
JDK-4997374 SA-JDI: Method.arguments() throws AbsentInformationException for no-arg methods
- Closed