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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5031359

JavaScript to Applet calls to get DOM objects hangs Netscape


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      ISV/Customer with a webtop built on Win32/Internet Explorer but uses
      Java Applets and the JavaScript/LiveScript connector to I.E. and the
      Microsoft JVM.

      With Sun's JRE 1.4.x plugin and Microsoft VM, IE6 is able
      to parse the JavaScript code, load the applet, and then
      call the applet methods as needed to pop a new browser
      frame, then inside the browser, display a small embedded
      canvas panel with some text inside.

      However, with Netscape 7.1 and Sun's JRE plugin, the browser
      simply hangs and the cursor blocks with the watch-icon, but
      no new popup window appears and no embedded canvas panel with

      In fact, the browser hangs and I must use the task manager
      to force-kill the Netscp.exe process.

      In further testing, using the JDK1.5 Beta 1 plugin, we see regression.
      IE6 with JRE 1.5Beta1 plugin exhibits the same hang as for Netscape 7.1
      Reverting back to MS VM and IE6 again works.

      The hang can be reproduced on Mozilla 1.4 - 1.6 and Netscape 7.0, Netscape 7.1 on Linux Redhat 8, 9, and Fedora Core 1 using the Sun JRE plug-in in 1.4.x.
      The hang also occurs on Solaris/SPARC Netscape 7 with JRE 1.5B1 plugin.

            xlu Xiaobin Lu (Inactive)
            jcliu James Liu (Inactive)
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