Resolution: Fixed
Bigapp tests fail to run for 24hrs on solaris 2.8 sparc using the -client flag for 1.3.1_12
The volano tests stop producing output after a random time (so far anything from 2 to 8 hours)
While running on an E4500 (8way cpu) volanoTestRun test stopped outputting results after ~3 hours
While running bigapps on an ultra 60 (dual cpu) volanoMarkrun stopped outputting results after ~2 hrs.
Both failures occurred while using the client jvm.
the server jvm tests passed first time round.
I've reproduced the volanoTestRun failure on the E4500.
No errors appear in the log files.
Output logs (with volanoMarkrun failure) at /net/latte.ireland/export/home0/results/1.3.1_12/RESPIN/Bigapps/sparc8/client
Failure is also observed on 1.3.1_11b02 with client jvm
Currently I'm running the following tests and will update bug info when more information becomes available.
Runing bigapps (131_12b02 client jvm) on sol sparc 2.9
Running bigapps (131_11b01 client jvm) on sol sparc 2.8
###@###.### 2004-04-29
- relates to
JDK-5085241 across the board performance regression on solaris for 131_12b03 (vs. 131_12b02)
- Closed