Uploaded image for project: 'JDK'
  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5040492

Async exception installed during monitorenter.


    • 06
    • generic
    • solaris_8

        The JVM is crashing during deoptimization, with an async. exception pending -
        an illegal state to be in.

        This is within ApplicationServer. An example from the log file with 1.4.1_02:

        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: #
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: # HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, Internal Error
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: # Please report this error at
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: # http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: #
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.4.1_02-b06 mixed mode)
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: #
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: # Error ID: 564652414D453F48500E43505000DA 01
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: #
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: # Problematic Thread:
        prio=5 tid=0xb9c9f8 nid=0x24d9b runnable
        [15/Apr/2004:10:25:42] WARNING ( 9367): CORE3283: stderr: #

        Error ID from 1.4.2_04 is 564652414D453F48500E43505000EE

        The following is a dbx stacktrace with additional information from the Serviceability Agent:

        t@108193 (l@108193) terminated by signal ABRT (Abort)
        0xfe29f240: __lwp_kill+0x0008: bgeu,a __lwp_kill+0x1c
        dbx>where -l
        current thread: t@108193
        =>[1] libc.so.1:__lwp_kill(0x0, 0x1a6a1, 0x0, 0xfe2bc008, 0xfe328000, 0x0), at 0xfe29f240
          [2] libc.so.1:raise(0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0xfe2c03c4, 0x0), at 0xfe24bce0
          [3] libc.so.1:abort(0xfe2bc008, 0x705ee238, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x705ee259), at 0xfe235984
          [4] libjvm.so:os::abort(0x1, 0xfdd39002, 0x705eeab8, 0xfdd6da1a, 0xfdd6d9b2, 0xff0000), at 0xfdc98498
          [5] libjvm.so:report_error(0x705eead2, 0xfddc6ab4, 0xfdd38dcc, 0xfdd6a714, 0xfdd38e15, 0x705eec18), at 0xfdb7e454
          [6] libjvm.so:report_fatal(0xfdd6a6cc, 0xee, 0xfdd6a715, 0x1, 0x705ef494, 0xffff), at 0xfdb7d9dc
          [7] libjvm.so:deoptimizedVFrame::unpack_vframe_on_stack(0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x705ef528, 0xf50fc2b6, 0x0), at 0xfdcf7d08
          [8] libjvm.so:vframeArray::unpack_to_stack(0x906ff0, 0x705ef818, 0x1, 0x0, 0xf8c35fa4, 0x2c9ade0), at 0xfdcf71c8
          [9] libjvm.so:Deoptimization::unpack_frames(0x87c390, 0x1, 0x705ef678, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0), at 0xfda7b6f4

          [10] 0xf8c35f9c(0x8f311810, 0xf8c35e60, 0x2a98030, 0x193ffac, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xf8c35f9b
        Address 0xf8c35f9c: In instructions in sun.jvm.hotspot.code.DeoptimizationBlob
        instructions: [0xf8c35e60, 0xf8c35fcc), data: [0xf8c35fcc, 0xf8c35fcc), oops: [0xf8c35fcc, 0xf8c35fcc), frame size: 112

          [11] 0xf8c063e0(0x8f311810, 0xf8c35e60, 0x2a98030, 0x193ffa8, 0x1, 0x0), at 0xf8c063df
        Address 0xf8c063e0: In interpreter codelet "deoptimization entry points"
        deoptimization entry points [0xf8c05eb0, 0xf8c092c0) 13328 bytes not safepoint safe

          [12] 0xf8c05804(0x8f311810, 0xf8c35e60, 0xf595a54c, 0x193ffa4, 0x4, 0x705ef958), at 0xf8c05803
        Address 0xf8c05804: In interpreter codelet "return entry points"
        return entry points [0xf8c05310, 0xf8c05ea0) 2960 bytes not safepoint safe

          [13] 0xf8c3e844(0x8f311810, 0xf8c35e60, 0x2a98030, 0x193ffa0, 0x0, 0x705ef9e8), at 0xf8c3e843
        Address 0xf8c3e844: In instructions in sun.jvm.hotspot.code.C2IAdapter instructions: [0xf8c3e7e0, 0xf8c3e880), data: [0xf8c3e880, 0xf8c3e880), oops: [0xf8c3e880, 0xf8c3e880), frame size: 80

          [14] 0xf8d5b438(0x8f2de9c0, 0x91a97888, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x91a978d0), at 0xf8d5b437
        Address 0xf8d5b438: In instructions in NMethod for java/io/DataInputStream.readFully([BII)V instructions: [0xf8d5b3c0, 0xf8d5b588), data: [0xf8d5b588, 0xf8d5b714), oops: [0xf8d5b6d8, 0xf8d5b6e7), frame size: 64

          [15] 0xf8eee228(0xf4ae7020, 0x8f2df910, 0x0, 0x8f2dd778, 0xf576b730, 0x8f3114e0), at 0xf8eee227
        Address 0xf8eee228: In instructions in NMethod for bea/jolt/NwReader.run()V instructions: [0xf8eede00, 0xf8eef2a8), data: [0xf8eef2a8, 0xf8ef040c), oops: [0xf8ef0210, 0xf8ef028f), frame size: 112

          [16] 0xf8c5f980(0x705efba0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x705efbc0, 0x467860, 0xfd90ce30), at 0xf8c5f97f
        Address 0xf8c5f980: In instructions in sun.jvm.hotspot.code.I2CAdapter instructions: [0xf8c5f960, 0xf8c5f9a0), data: [0xf8c5f9a0, 0xf8c5f9a0), oops: [0xf8c5f9a0, 0xf8c5f9a0), frame size: 64

          [17] 0xf8c0010c(0x705efc28, 0x705efe90, 0xa, 0xf575ea00, 0x4, 0x705efb40), at 0xf8c0010b
        Address 0xf8c0010c: In instructions in sun.jvm.hotspot.code.BufferBlob instructions: [0xf8c00040, 0xf8c04e60), data: [0xf8c04e60, 0xf8c04e60), oops: [0xf8c04e60, 0xf8c04e60), frame size: 0

          [18] libjvm.so:JavaCalls::call_helper(0x705efe88, 0x705efcf0, 0x705efda8, 0x87c390, 0x87c390, 0x705efd00), at 0xfd95d48c
          [19] libjvm.so:JavaCalls::call_virtual(0xfdd70000, 0x1237b58, 0x705efd9c, 0x705efd98, 0x705efda8, 0x87c390), at 0xfda4b784
          [20] libjvm.so:JavaCalls::call_virtual(0x705efe88, 0x705efe84, 0x705efe7c, 0x705efe74, 0x705efe6c, 0x87c390), at 0xfda5e8dc
          [21] libjvm.so:thread_entry(0x87c390, 0x87c390, 0x26743e8, 0x1237b58, 0x306d10, 0xfda69254), at 0xfda6fc74
          [22] libjvm.so:JavaThread::run(0x87c390, 0x1a6a1, 0x40, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0), at 0xfda6927c
          [23] libjvm.so:_start(0x87c390, 0x6f340600, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xfda6575c

        Core file attached

              sgoldman Steve Goldman (Inactive)
              kevinw Kevin Walls
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