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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5043044

GZIPOutputStream doesn't scale on 4way Windows systems


      The customer figured out that GZIPOutputStreams from java.util.zip don't scale
      beyond 2 way Windows servers.
      On 4way servers the CPUs don't get used beyond ~50% and the throughput doesn't

      The customer provided a test program.
      The test program is attached to the call.
      The test program creates a number of threads (8 in the current setting).
      These 8 threads start compressing typical http data. They sleep after each compression.
      The sleep time goes down over time.
      The reduced sleep time leads to a higher system load and a higher throughput.

      The benchmark shows that it doesn't scale on a Windows 4 way system.
      Tests on Sparc Solaris systems showed that the scale a kind of up to 8 CPUs.
      The customer problem occur as well on 1.4.2 and tiger beta.

      The customer provided an alternative pure Java implementation (jazzlib) which
      is doing much better.

            sherman Xueming Shen
            stschnei Stefan Schneider (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
