Name: vsR10316 Date: 05/06/2004
Filed By : SPB JCK team (###@###.###)
JCK : 1.5
Platform[s] : Solaris
switch/Mode :
JCK test owner : http://javaweb.eng/jct/sqe/JCK-tck/usr/owners.jto
Failing Test [s] : N/A
Specification excerpt:
--------- J2SE API spec v.1.5 ---------
public void setNull(int parameterIndex,
int sqlType)
throws SQLException
Note that this version of the method setNull is used when the value to be set to SQL NULL is a user-defined type (UDT). The additional parameter specifies the fully-qualified name of the UDT.
---------- end-of-excerpt ---------------
Problem description
The note from specification seems to be inconsistent with signature for this method. There is overloaded method setNull(int, int,String) that compliant with this note.
This note should be removed from specification for BaseRowSet.setNull( int, int)
JCK test source location: