Name: vsR10316 Date: 05/06/2004
Filed By : SPB JCK team (###@###.###)
JCK : 1.5
Platform[s] : Solaris
switch/Mode :
JCK test owner : http://javaweb.eng/jct/sqe/JCK-tck/usr/owners.jto
Failing Test [s] : N/A
Specification excerpt:
--------- J2SE API spec v.1.5 ---------
public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
throws SQLException
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which will have the specified number of bytes. The contents of
the stream will be read and sent to the database. This method throws an
SQLException object if the number of bytes read and sent to the database
is not equal to length.
---------- end-of-excerpt ---------------
Problem description
As defined in last sentence in specification excerpt this method should
throw an SQLException object if the number of bytes read and sent to the
database is not equal to length but it doesn't.
Same for setBinaryStream and setCharacterStream methods.
Minimized test:
------- -------
package test;
import javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet;
public class Test {
public static void main(String [] arg) {
try {
The SimpleRowSet class is subclass of BaseRowSet implementing JdbcRowSet
with stub implementation for all methods defined in JdbcRowSet and
default constructor with invocation of initParams() method.
BaseRowSet rs = new SimpleRowSet();
File "javadoc.xml" should be present and has size smaller than 200000
rs.setAsciiStream(1, new FileInputStream("javadoc.xml"), 200000);
System.out.println("Error. SQLException should be thrown.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
------- -------
Minimized test output:
Started ...
Error. SQLException should be thrown.
JCK test source location: