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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5047528

extra security test failures testing XP with servicepack 2 beta




      Testbase : /net/jqa.ireland/jqa4/mantis/Security
      JDK : 1.4.2_05b01 (any 1.4.2)
      OS : winXP PRO with Service pack 2 RC installed

      service pack 2 beta is available at :

      some permissions tests are failing compared to a winXP run without Service pack2 RC
      SP2 RC introduces more security enhancements into XP.
      I have not disabled firewall since the default service pack install
      is more representative of a customer's environment.

      MKS took kit also fails to kill a large number of the java processes causing
      a carry on effect whereby later tests fail due to ports already being binded.

      I've attached a TongaSetup.ini file and the work directory
      here's a list of some of the most relevant failures :

      Permissions/acceptServerSocketTest execute_script acceptServerSocketTest
      Permissions/connectMulticastSocketTest execute_script connectMulticastSocketTest
      Permissions/listenDatagramSocketTest execute_script listenDatagramSocketTest
      Permissions/receiveDataGramSocketTest execute_script receiveDataGramSocketTest
      Permissions/joinGroupMulticastTest execute_script joinGroupMulticastTest
      Permissions/sendDataGramSocketTest execute_script sendDataGramSocketTest
      Permissions/listenServerSocketTest execute_script listenServerSocketTest
      Permissions/leaveGroupMulticastTest execute_script leaveGroupMulticastTest
      Permissions/listenMulticastSocketTest execute_script listenMulticastSocketTest
      Permissions/sendMulticastSocketTest execute_script sendMulticastSocketTest

      These tests pass on XP PRO without SP 2 beta installed
      These tests fail on XP PRO with servive pack2 beta but pass with win XP home and SP2 beta

      ###@###.### 2004-05-14

      ###@###.### 2004-05-27

      Hi Bill,

      the link pointed to by Ajit does contain the testfailures (and most tlog files)
      it's at


      Do you have access to an XP Pro PC ?
      the setup is quite simple. A link to SP2 RC is provided in bug report.
      It would be worth installing locally for debugging purposes.


      Ajit Bhale wrote:

      > Sean is best person to tell and he is in Ireland. In mean while
      > let's try one more place:
      > http://latte.ireland.sun.com/results/xpsp2/142_05/
      > Let me know if this has more data.
      > -Ajit


      Tests pass when run on a newly installed WinXP box.
      on further analysis, it seems that MKS toolkit 8.6 is breaking SP2 RC and java.
      downgrading MKS to version 8.0 lets the failing tests pass.

      MKS versions can be found at /net/latte.ireland/export/home1/MKSToolkit
      This looks similar to bug 5051136

      ###@###.### 2004-06-02




            abhalesunw Ajit Bhale (Inactive)
            coffeys Sean Coffey
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            2 Start watching this issue

