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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5048208

Unapproved JAXP API change in jdk1.5.0-b51: datatype


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      Name: erR10175 Date: 05/17/2004

      jdk1.5.0-beta2-b51 introduces many API changes in the javadoc of the
      package javax.xml.datatype. Some of the changes are neither approved by CCC
      nor bug fixes.

      Below is a brief description of the unapproved changes. For more details please
      compare javadocs of the jdk1.5.0-beta2-b51 with those attached to the following
      CCC requests:

      4997741 JSR 206: Refactor Datatypes to be pluggable, enhance Duration for D/T & Y/M
      5022491 JSR 206: add reset() method to allow reuse of Objects v. expensive creation

      The changes are:

      class DatatypeConstants
          removed field 'BigDecimal FIELD_UNDEFINED_BIGDECIMAL'
          removed field 'BigInteger FIELD_UNDEFINED_BIGINTEGER'

      class Duration
          removed the final modifier from the following members:
              public final long getTimeInMillis(Calendar startInstant)
              public final long getTimeInMillis(Date startInstant)
              public final boolean isLongerThan(Duration duration)
              public final boolean isShorterThan(Duration duration)
              public final boolean equals(Object duration)

      class DatatypeFactory
          spec reference to 'ISO 8601' changed to 'ISO 8601:2000(E) Section Alternative format'
          removed the abstract modifier from the following members:
              public abstract Duration newDurationDayTime(boolean isPositive,
                  BigInteger day, BigInteger hour, BigInteger minute, BigInteger second)
              public abstract Duration newDurationDayTime(long durationInMilliSeconds)
              public abstract Duration newDuration(String lexicalRepresentation)
              public abstract Duration newDurationYearMonth(boolean isPositive,
                  BigInteger year, BigInteger month)
              public abstract Duration newDurationYearMonth(long durationInMilliSeconds)
              public abstract Duration newDurationYearMonth(String lexicalRepresentation)
          changed default value of the filed DATATYPEFACTORY_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS
          added UnsupportedOperationException to the throws section of the following members:
              public abstract Duration newDuration(String lexicalRepresentation)
              public abstract Duration newDurationDayTime(boolean isPositive, BigInteger day,
                  BigInteger hour, BigInteger minute, BigInteger second)
              public abstract Duration newDurationDayTime(String lexicalRepresentation)
              public abstract Duration newDurationDayTime(boolean isPositive,
                  BigInteger day, BigInteger hour, BigInteger minute, BigInteger second)
              public abstract Duration newDurationYearMonth(String lexicalRepresentation)
              public abstract Duration newDurationYearMonth(boolean isPositive,
                  BigInteger year, BigInteger month)

      The last change affects the new JCK1.5 tests (moved from
      api/javax_xml/datatype/Duration/Ctor in accordance with CCC #4997741):



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