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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5076879

jre uninstaller does not remove plugin dlls from mozilla plugins directory


    • generic
    • windows_2000

      Plugin fails with base jre after 1.5.0_01 is removed from the system

      Tested_Java_Release : 1.5.0-beta3 Build 58
      Tested_Build : jre-1_5_0-beta3-windows-i586.exe
      Tested_Build_Location : /net/koori.sfbay/p/jdk06/jdk/1.5.0/beta3/b58/bundles/windows-i586
      Testted O/S : Windows 2000, WinXP PRO
      Tested_ Browsers : NS7.0, MZ1.6, IE6.0

      The problem is seeing with NS/MZ, not IE

      Steps to Reproduce :
      1. Install jre-1_5_0-beta3-windows-i586.exe from the above mentioned location
      2. Make sure Java Plug-in is running successfully using version 1.5.0-beta3-b58 from the following location:
      3. Redirect java.sun.com to our internal apache server (
      4. Add the entry in registry SOFTWARE/Javasoft/javaupdate/Policy
      "UpdateServletURL http://java.sun.com/webapps/update/1.5.0/map.xml"
      5. Update base jre with 1.5.0_01 through Java Control Panel -> "Update" tab -> click on "Update Now" button.
      6. Make sure Java Plug-in is running successfully using update version 1.5.0_01-beta3-b58
      7. Uninstall 1.5.0_01 and try to invoke any applet from the location above

      Plugin fails with message in the MZ/NS
      "Click here to get plugin"

      The applet should be loaded with base jre (1.5.0-beta3-b58) after 1.5.0_01 is removed

      This problem is reproducible with b56 and b58
      The problem is not seeing in b51

      However, Plug-in is running successfully on IE6.0 for all releases above.

      ###@###.### 2004-07-21

            billyh William Harnois
            lshikhva Ludmila Shikhvarg (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
