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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-5094237

JVM Crash in MarkSweep::follow_stack()


    • gc
    • sparc
    • generic

      Customer is seeing JVM (1.4.2_05) crash with the following stack trace:


      core 'old_cvsm_core.sun4u.15124' of 15124:
       -server -Xms100m -
      ----------------- lwp# 3 / thread# 3 --------------------
       ff31f240 _lwp_kill (6, 0, 0, ffffffff, ff3403c4, 0) + 8
       ff2b5984 abort (ff33c008, fc77ebc8, 0, 4, 0, fc77ebe9) + 100
       ff099d98 void os::abort(int) (1, ff1555aa, fc77ec78, ff182000, ff1c9944,
      3ee894) + 80
       ff0980ac void os::handle_unexpected_exception(Thread*,int,unsigned char*,void*)
      (0, b, ff07afd8, f
      c77f9e0, fedd7398, 0) + 2d4
       fedd7c6c JVM_handle_solaris_signal (ff07afd8, fc77f9e0, fc77f728, 3400, 3608,
      0) + 91c
       ff375c18 __sighndlr (b, fc77f9e0, fc77f728, fedd731c, 0, 0) + c
       ff36f8b0 call_user_handler (ff260400, 3, ff3896a0, fc77f728, fc77f9e0, b) + 254
       ff36fa7c sigacthandler (ff260400, fc77f9e0, fc77f728, ff388000, fc77f9e0, b) +
       --- called from signal handler with signal -14285824 (SIG Unknown) ---
       ff07afd8 void MarkSweep::follow_stack() (ff1c65b4, 11a, 0, 1, 344a0, 0) + 54
       ff0b3328 void PSMarkSweep::mark_sweep_phase1(int&,int) (fc77fc64, 0, 1, 4330,
      8c4c8, d8150000) + c
       ff0b2b38 void PSMarkSweep::invoke_no_policy(int&,int) (ff1c1238, ff1c1050,
      ff1ca154, ff1ca15c, d48
      7f8c4, 6) + 43c
       ff0b26c4 void PSMarkSweep::invoke(int&,int) (d487f8c4, 0, 1, ff182000, 1756b0,
      ff1cd724) + 9c
       fee2ce78 void VM_Operation::evaluate() (d487f8a8, 4400, ff182000, 37160,
      4b8110, fede0904) + 8c
       fee2c898 void VMThread::evaluate_operation(VM_Operation*) (1f8458, d487f8a8,
      5000, 5100, 5000, 0)
      + 84
       feef0ca8 void VMThread::loop() (4800, 4000, 4340, 4000, 42cc, 3800) + 3e8
       feef07a4 void VMThread::run() (1f8458, 3, 40, 0, 40, 0) + 8c
       fee643e0 _start (1f8458, ff260400, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 134
       ff3758c0 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
      ----------------- lwp# 4 / thread# 4 --------------------


      The flags used are:

       -server -Xms100m -Xmx512m -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=15000
       -XX:+OverrideDefaultLibthread -XX:+UseSignalChaining
       -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy

            chrisphi Chris Phillips
            gnagasunsunw Gopinath Nagasundara (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
