Customer wishes to use netlet (Portal server functioanlity) with Sun Java Plugin
1.4.2.x for Mozilla1.4 and Netscape 7.1
Customer wishes to use plugin, but wants proxy info to be collected from the
browser's pac file URL. Java Plugin control panel has "Use Browser Setings"
check-marked under "Proxies".
When using Mozilla with the plugin, we get the Proxy Configuration on java
console as "Browser Proxy Configuration" and not as "Automatic Proxy Configuration".
This is problem for our customer's Mozilla users. Similar problem is encountered
with Netscape users also.
We have earlier filed similar bug for IE - 4988192. We incorporated suggestions
made by the plugin team then.
Please fix this or let us know of any workarounds.
Browser type is needed to find out how we
should get the proxy host and proxy port.
However it is more important for us to
find out the proxy port and host from an
applet when user is using java plugin.
Please see 4988192 for more info.
We resolved this problem when using java
plugin with IE with the following
workaround ...
suggested by Xiaobin.
We need similar workaround or fix for
Mozilla and Netscape when using java plugi
###@###.### 10/27/04 21:01 GMT
###@###.### 10/27/04 21:02 GMT
1.4.2.x for Mozilla1.4 and Netscape 7.1
Customer wishes to use plugin, but wants proxy info to be collected from the
browser's pac file URL. Java Plugin control panel has "Use Browser Setings"
check-marked under "Proxies".
When using Mozilla with the plugin, we get the Proxy Configuration on java
console as "Browser Proxy Configuration" and not as "Automatic Proxy Configuration".
This is problem for our customer's Mozilla users. Similar problem is encountered
with Netscape users also.
We have earlier filed similar bug for IE - 4988192. We incorporated suggestions
made by the plugin team then.
Please fix this or let us know of any workarounds.
Browser type is needed to find out how we
should get the proxy host and proxy port.
However it is more important for us to
find out the proxy port and host from an
applet when user is using java plugin.
Please see 4988192 for more info.
We resolved this problem when using java
plugin with IE with the following
workaround ...
suggested by Xiaobin.
We need similar workaround or fix for
Mozilla and Netscape when using java plugi
###@###.### 10/27/04 21:01 GMT
###@###.### 10/27/04 21:02 GMT
- relates to
JDK-4988192 Java Plugin 1.4.2 does not allow applet to query proxy info. from browser settin
- Closed