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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6176015

Some leftover tooltips didn't get repainted in SwingSet2 demo on Sparc systems


    • sparc
    • solaris_10

      System Config.:
      Solaris Sparc 10, 9 and 8.
      JDK 1.5.0_01 Build 03

      After launching up SwingSet2 demo program, click on the second icon button
      from the right (it will display a cow).
      With the default Java Look & Feel, do the following steps. You will see
      some tooltips as "tail" left on the screen.

      Steps to reproduce:
      1) When the cow is displayed on the "Tooltip" tab,
         point the mouse to the cow's tummy. Will see tooltip as "Got Milk"
      2) Move the mouse to the cow's tail and move mouse left to right and
         right to left quickly.
         It will display tooltips as "tail" a few times. And notice they
         didn't get repainted.

      This was verified on Tiger Beta3 build, Tiger fcs (b64), Tiger update 1
      build and mustang. They all have this problem on Sparc ONLY.

      RHAS 3.0, Solaris x86 9 and Windows do not have such problem.
      ###@###.### 10/8/04 05:34 GMT

      I tried the following again and still can see the problem:

      1) Solaris sparc 8 (CDE), hostname: treasure
           - mustang b07
           - tiger update 1 build 03

           Issue command:
           bin/java -jar demo/jfc/SwingSet1/SwingSet2.jar

      2) Solaris sparc 10 (JDS rel. 3), hostname: nascar
           - 1.5.0-rc-b63

      More info. on what I did:
      1) I point the mouse to the tummy first and see the tooltip of "Got Milk" first.
      2) move the mouse to the bottom of the tail and see the tooltip "tail"
      3) then move the mouse left-right-left-rifht along the tail (slowly moving upward)
      Note: don't move the mouse too far away from tail when moving the mouse left-right-left-rifht
      ###@###.### 10/11/04 17:53 GMT

            agerasimsunw Alexander Gerasimov (Inactive)
            mhuangsunw Melinda Huang (Inactive)
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