Resolution: Duplicate
The java.lang.String API should provide an additional trim method with one parameter:
public String trim(int where)
for being able to trim Strings just only at the beginning or just only at the end. The parameter "where" should be one of the following constants: LEADING, TRAILING, BOTH.
Actually there is only the trim() method, which returns a String with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.
###@###.### 2005-1-20 11:41:14 GMT
public String trim(int where)
for being able to trim Strings just only at the beginning or just only at the end. The parameter "where" should be one of the following constants: LEADING, TRAILING, BOTH.
Actually there is only the trim() method, which returns a String with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.
###@###.### 2005-1-20 11:41:14 GMT
- duplicates
JDK-8200377 String::strip, String::stripLeading, String::stripTrailing
- Resolved