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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6228117

FileDialog becomes unfocusable when calling setFocusableWindowState(false), on XToolkit


    • sparc
    • solaris_9

      Calling setFocusableWindowState(false) on a FileDialog makes the file dialog non-focusable on XToolkit. This is incorrect. Though FileDialog extends from Dialog, certain methods of the dialog are not applicable for FileDialog and hence FileDialog must not honor those calls. This is how it works on Motif and Win32 where calling the above method does not make the file dialog non-focusable.

      This is reproducible since 1.5.0-FCS only on XToolkit. Not happening on Motif. I reproduced it on Solaris9-GNOME.

      I have attached a sample test. Execute the sample test. Click on the button. A file dialog would popup. Try typing some text in any of the text fields shown. If none of the comps in FileDialog receives focus, the bug is reproduced.
      ###@###.### 2005-2-11 06:41:21 GMT

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