The class java.text.ChoiceFormat contains a couple of methods which are not well documented. In addition, although there is an example of a pattern, there is no concrete syntax that defines a ChoiceFormat pattern (unlike the other Format classes).
public ChoiceFormat(String newPattern)
- The format of newPattern is not specified. No links to related classes and format specification. Null or invalid pattern is not mentioned.
public void applyPattern(String newPattern)
- Has the similar problem
public String toPattern()
- The possible differences between applyPattern and toPattern result is not mentioned.
###@###.### 2005-2-14 12:19:00 GMT
public ChoiceFormat(String newPattern)
- The format of newPattern is not specified. No links to related classes and format specification. Null or invalid pattern is not mentioned.
public void applyPattern(String newPattern)
- Has the similar problem
public String toPattern()
- The possible differences between applyPattern and toPattern result is not mentioned.
###@###.### 2005-2-14 12:19:00 GMT
- csr for
JDK-8314546 java.text.ChoiceFormat pattern behavior is not well documented.
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-6285888 ChoiceFormat can support unescaped relational symbols in the Format segment
- Closed