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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6229880

RelationSupport javadoc is incomplete/ambiguous


    • b45
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified

      Here after the RelationSupport javadoc to be updated :

      1) RelationSupport constructors
      There are some mandatory parameters in the 2 constructors. Otherwise,
      the constructors throw an IllegalArgumentException.
      These parameters should be clearly listed instead of just called "required value (Relation Service Object Name, etc.)"

      2) Some RelationSupport throw a RelationServiceNotRegisteredException
      (getAllRoles, getRole, getRoles, setRole...)
      To call these methods, it is mandatory to create a RelationSupport object
      using the constructor with the MBeanServer parameter.
      Otherwise, we get a NullPointerExcpetion.
      The javadoc should mention it.

      3) RelationSupport.setRole
      The javadoc says that a RoleNotFoundException is thrown if the role is not writable.
      In fact, a RoleNotFoundException is also thrown when there is no defined role
      for the given name (same condition as the getRole method).

      4) RelationSupport.setRoles
      The javadoc says that an IllegalArgumentException is thrown if null role name.
      Should be null role list.
      ###@###.### 2005-2-16 13:18:35 GMT

            lmalvent Luis-Miguel Alventosa (Inactive)
            slions Sandra Lions-piron
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