Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Customer is using 1.5.0_01 for their banking applet.
They occasionally see a crash. This has happened on multiple machines and they are using Internet explorer.
user dump, log file and error logs are at
dump file is IEXPLORE2708#1.zip.gz
Running with SA the thread shows
----------------- 29 -----------------
0x04c803a9 0x04c803a9 * java.awt.EventQueue.postEvent(java.awt.AWTEven
t) bci:5 methodOop:0x2b3f8350 (Compiled frame; information may be imprecise)
0x04ae29a4 * javax.swing.TimerQueue.run() bci:8 methodOop:0x2b575070 (Inter
preted frame)
0x04ae2c29 * java.lang.Thread.run() bci:11 methodOop:0x2b2b1700 (Interprete
d frame)
0x04ae0155 <StubRoutines>
0x6d6c176e jvm!JavaCalls::call_helper + 0x12b
0x6d71481d jvm!os::os_exception_wrapper + 0x5e
0x6d6c163f jvm!JavaCalls::call + 0x1b
0x6d6c139c jvm!JavaCalls::call_virtual + 0x31
0x6d6dc05c jvm!thread_entry + 0x71
0x6d73eece jvm!JavaThread::thread_main_inner + 0x30
0x6d73ee9c jvm!JavaThread::run + 0x7d
0x780060ce msvcrt!beginthreadex + 0xb2
0x7c57b388 KERNEL32!lstrcmpiW + 0xb7
Java Stack Trace for TimerQueue
Thread state = IN_JAVA
- public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350 @bci = 5, pc = 0x04c803a9 (Compiled; information ma
y be imprecise)
- public synchronized void run() @0x2b575070 @bci = 8, pc = 0x04ae29a4 (Interpreted)
- public void run() @0x2b2b1700 @bci = 11, pc = 0x04ae2c29 (Interpreted)
looking at the postEvent:
public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350
Holder Class
public class java.awt.EventQueue @0x2b3f89e0
Compiled Code
Disassembly for compiled method [public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350 ] @0x04c61108
bci bytecode
0 invokestatic #422 [Method void flushPendingEvents()] of public abstract class sun.awt.SunToolkit @0x2b38
3 aload_0
4 aload_1
sr1-unsh01-05{msusko}44: !!
more cibcsarun.txt
Java Stack Trace for TimerQueue
Thread state = IN_JAVA
- public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350 @bci = 5, pc = 0x04c803a9 (Compiled; information may be imprecise)
- public synchronized void run() @0x2b575070 @bci = 8, pc = 0x04ae29a4 (Interpreted)
- public void run() @0x2b2b1700 @bci = 11, pc = 0x04ae2c29 (Interpreted)
looking at the postEvent:
public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350
Holder Class
public class java.awt.EventQueue @0x2b3f89e0
Compiled Code
Disassembly for compiled method [public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350 ] @0x04c61108
bci bytecode
0 invokestatic #422 [Method void flushPendingEvents()] of public abstract class sun.awt.SunToolkit @0x2b387b78
3 aload_0
4 aload_1
5 invokevirtual #373 [Method void postEventPrivate(java.awt.AWTEvent)] of public class java.awt.EventQueue @0x2b3f89e0
8 return
Compiled Code
Disassembly for compiled method [public static void flushPendingEvents() @0x2b3871d8 ] @0x04c5cec8
bci bytecode
0 invokestatic #751 [Method sun.awt.AppContext getAppContext()] of public final class sun.awt.AppContext @0x2b37e0d0
3 astore_0
4 aload_0
5 ldc #11 <String "PostEventQueue">
7 invokevirtual #752 [Method java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object)] of public final class sun.awt.AppContext @0x2b37e0d0
10 checkcast #411 [Class sun.awt.PostEventQueue]
13 astore_1
14 aload_1
15 ifnull 22
18 aload_1
19 invokevirtual #759 [Method void flush()] of class sun.awt.PostEventQueue @0x2b3f9640
22 return
###@###.### 2005-03-17 17:08:53 GMT
They occasionally see a crash. This has happened on multiple machines and they are using Internet explorer.
user dump, log file and error logs are at
dump file is IEXPLORE2708#1.zip.gz
Running with SA the thread shows
----------------- 29 -----------------
0x04c803a9 0x04c803a9 * java.awt.EventQueue.postEvent(java.awt.AWTEven
t) bci:5 methodOop:0x2b3f8350 (Compiled frame; information may be imprecise)
0x04ae29a4 * javax.swing.TimerQueue.run() bci:8 methodOop:0x2b575070 (Inter
preted frame)
0x04ae2c29 * java.lang.Thread.run() bci:11 methodOop:0x2b2b1700 (Interprete
d frame)
0x04ae0155 <StubRoutines>
0x6d6c176e jvm!JavaCalls::call_helper + 0x12b
0x6d71481d jvm!os::os_exception_wrapper + 0x5e
0x6d6c163f jvm!JavaCalls::call + 0x1b
0x6d6c139c jvm!JavaCalls::call_virtual + 0x31
0x6d6dc05c jvm!thread_entry + 0x71
0x6d73eece jvm!JavaThread::thread_main_inner + 0x30
0x6d73ee9c jvm!JavaThread::run + 0x7d
0x780060ce msvcrt!beginthreadex + 0xb2
0x7c57b388 KERNEL32!lstrcmpiW + 0xb7
Java Stack Trace for TimerQueue
Thread state = IN_JAVA
- public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350 @bci = 5, pc = 0x04c803a9 (Compiled; information ma
y be imprecise)
- public synchronized void run() @0x2b575070 @bci = 8, pc = 0x04ae29a4 (Interpreted)
- public void run() @0x2b2b1700 @bci = 11, pc = 0x04ae2c29 (Interpreted)
looking at the postEvent:
public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350
Holder Class
public class java.awt.EventQueue @0x2b3f89e0
Compiled Code
Disassembly for compiled method [public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350 ] @0x04c61108
bci bytecode
0 invokestatic #422 [Method void flushPendingEvents()] of public abstract class sun.awt.SunToolkit @0x2b38
3 aload_0
4 aload_1
sr1-unsh01-05{msusko}44: !!
more cibcsarun.txt
Java Stack Trace for TimerQueue
Thread state = IN_JAVA
- public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350 @bci = 5, pc = 0x04c803a9 (Compiled; information may be imprecise)
- public synchronized void run() @0x2b575070 @bci = 8, pc = 0x04ae29a4 (Interpreted)
- public void run() @0x2b2b1700 @bci = 11, pc = 0x04ae2c29 (Interpreted)
looking at the postEvent:
public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350
Holder Class
public class java.awt.EventQueue @0x2b3f89e0
Compiled Code
Disassembly for compiled method [public void postEvent(java.awt.AWTEvent) @0x2b3f8350 ] @0x04c61108
bci bytecode
0 invokestatic #422 [Method void flushPendingEvents()] of public abstract class sun.awt.SunToolkit @0x2b387b78
3 aload_0
4 aload_1
5 invokevirtual #373 [Method void postEventPrivate(java.awt.AWTEvent)] of public class java.awt.EventQueue @0x2b3f89e0
8 return
Compiled Code
Disassembly for compiled method [public static void flushPendingEvents() @0x2b3871d8 ] @0x04c5cec8
bci bytecode
0 invokestatic #751 [Method sun.awt.AppContext getAppContext()] of public final class sun.awt.AppContext @0x2b37e0d0
3 astore_0
4 aload_0
5 ldc #11 <String "PostEventQueue">
7 invokevirtual #752 [Method java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object)] of public final class sun.awt.AppContext @0x2b37e0d0
10 checkcast #411 [Class sun.awt.PostEventQueue]
13 astore_1
14 aload_1
15 ifnull 22
18 aload_1
19 invokevirtual #759 [Method void flush()] of class sun.awt.PostEventQueue @0x2b3f9640
22 return
###@###.### 2005-03-17 17:08:53 GMT
- relates to
JDK-5065001 awt TextArea crashes HotSpot on winXP when frame is closed
- Resolved