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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6243136

HtmlConverter usage errors in the build when built without specifying BUILD_VERSION


    • b32
    • generic
    • generic

      We're getting two of these errors in each build when building deploy-images.
      Not exactly sure where the fault lies, but Kelly asked that we start with him.
      Context log in the attachments. (Actually, there are now 4 since there
      is a separate build for fastdebug.)

      Concerned because the build doesn't die, just happily chugs along.

      /usr/bin/mkdir -p /usr/security/ws/mustang-integrations/ws/control/build/solaris

      Usage: HtmlConverter [-option1 value1 [-option2 value2 [...]]] [-simulate] [fil

      where options include:

          -source: Path to get original files. Default: <userdir>
          -source -: read converting file from the standard input
          -dest: Path to write converted files. Default: <userdir>
          -dest -: write converted file to the standard output
          -backup: Path to write backup files. Default: <dirname>_BAK
          -f: Force overwrite backup files.
          -subdirs: Should files in subdirectories be processed.
          -template: Path to template file. Use default if unsure.
          -log: Path to write log. If not provided, no log is written.
          -progress: Display progress while converting. Default: false
          -simulate: Display the specifics to the conversion without converting.
          -latest: Use the latest JRE supporting the release mimetype.
          -gui: Display the graphical user interface for the converter.

          filespecs: Space delimited list of files specs. Default: "*.html *.htm" (q
      uotes required)

      ###@###.### 2005-03-18 23:36:22 GMT

            ohair Kelly Ohair (Inactive)
            wetmore Bradford Wetmore
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
