Running Dan D's stress tester on x86 I saw the following segv traceback
---- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ------
=>[11] frame::sender(this = ???, map = ???, cb = ???) (optimized), at 0xdee0b680 (line ~242) in "frame_i486.cpp"
[12] vframeStreamForte::forte_next(this = ???) (optimized), at 0xdee01606 (line ~355) in "forte.cpp"
[13] forte_fill_call_trace_given_top(thd = ???, trace = ???, depth = ???, top_frame = CLASS) (optimized), at 0xdee01d00 (line ~702) in "forte.cpp"
[14] AsyncGetCallTrace(trace = ???, depth = ???, ucontext = ???) (optimized), at 0xdee01f95 (line ~851) in "forte.cpp"
[15] profhandler(sig = 29, siginfo = 0xd094f1bc, ucontext = 0xd094efbc), line 171 in "b4757672.c"
[16] __sighndlr(0x1d, 0xd094f1bc, 0xd094efbc, 0xde9f12d0), at 0xdfb8269f
---- called from signal handler with signal 29 (SIGPROF) ------
[17] 0xd9257796(0xd094f264, 0x7e0, 0xd094f26c, 0xd112e1f0, 0xd14d6a80, 0xd0c42810), at 0xd9257795
[18] 0xd9258040(0x0, 0xd0c42770, 0xd094f30c, 0xd926fdbc, 0xd0c42770, 0x40800000), at 0xd925803f
investigation reveals that the topmost java frame is at this code:
0xd9257786: movl 0x00000008(%eax),%ebx
0xd9257789: jne 0xd90e9ad0 [ 0xd90e9ad0, .-0x16dcb9 ]
0xd925778f: nop
0xd9257790: subl $0x00000024,%esp
PROF interrupt hit after this instruction completed.
0xd9257796: movl %ebp,0x00000020(%esp)
0xd925779a: leal 0x00000020(%esp),%ebp
0xd925779e: movl %eax,0xffffc000(%esp)
0xd92577a5: pushl $0x00000000
This is a native wrapper. The sender code exploded because of the creation
order for the frame. This is not safe for the sending code because the
location of saved ebp is not stored until after the frame is extended.
This is particular interrupt point has always be troublesome.
###@###.### 2005-04-05 16:11:49 GMT
---- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ------
=>[11] frame::sender(this = ???, map = ???, cb = ???) (optimized), at 0xdee0b680 (line ~242) in "frame_i486.cpp"
[12] vframeStreamForte::forte_next(this = ???) (optimized), at 0xdee01606 (line ~355) in "forte.cpp"
[13] forte_fill_call_trace_given_top(thd = ???, trace = ???, depth = ???, top_frame = CLASS) (optimized), at 0xdee01d00 (line ~702) in "forte.cpp"
[14] AsyncGetCallTrace(trace = ???, depth = ???, ucontext = ???) (optimized), at 0xdee01f95 (line ~851) in "forte.cpp"
[15] profhandler(sig = 29, siginfo = 0xd094f1bc, ucontext = 0xd094efbc), line 171 in "b4757672.c"
[16] __sighndlr(0x1d, 0xd094f1bc, 0xd094efbc, 0xde9f12d0), at 0xdfb8269f
---- called from signal handler with signal 29 (SIGPROF) ------
[17] 0xd9257796(0xd094f264, 0x7e0, 0xd094f26c, 0xd112e1f0, 0xd14d6a80, 0xd0c42810), at 0xd9257795
[18] 0xd9258040(0x0, 0xd0c42770, 0xd094f30c, 0xd926fdbc, 0xd0c42770, 0x40800000), at 0xd925803f
investigation reveals that the topmost java frame is at this code:
0xd9257786: movl 0x00000008(%eax),%ebx
0xd9257789: jne 0xd90e9ad0 [ 0xd90e9ad0, .-0x16dcb9 ]
0xd925778f: nop
0xd9257790: subl $0x00000024,%esp
PROF interrupt hit after this instruction completed.
0xd9257796: movl %ebp,0x00000020(%esp)
0xd925779a: leal 0x00000020(%esp),%ebp
0xd925779e: movl %eax,0xffffc000(%esp)
0xd92577a5: pushl $0x00000000
This is a native wrapper. The sender code exploded because of the creation
order for the frame. This is not safe for the sending code because the
location of saved ebp is not stored until after the frame is extended.
This is particular interrupt point has always be troublesome.
###@###.### 2005-04-05 16:11:49 GMT
- relates to
JDK-8168445 make pd_get_top_frame_for_profiling more robust
- Open
JDK-8169941 CodeBlob::is_frame_complete_at() does not honor CodeOffsets::frame_never_safe
- Resolved