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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6255836

PIT: ClassCastException thrown when ALT+TABing a FullScreen-page flipping app, Win32


    • 2d
    • b33
    • 6
    • beta
    • x86
    • windows_xp
    • Verified

      I am running a fullscreen application that has implemented page-flipping using a buffer strategy with 2 buffers. When the app started running, I am pressing the 'Windows' key or ALT+TAB. FS frame gets minimized but a ClassCastException is thrown on the console. This is noticed only on the given PIT build on WinXP and not reproducible on Mustang-b31.

      java version "2d.pit-jcg-win-03-2005-04-09.mustang"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 2d.pit-jcg-win-03-2005-04-09.mustang)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-ea-b31, mixed mode)

      Here is the exception:
      java.lang.ClassCastException: sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.windows.Win32OffScreenSurfaceData
      at sun.java2d.windows.WinBackBuffer.getHWSurfaceData(WinBackBuffer.java:36)
      at sun.awt.Win32GraphicsConfig.flip(Win32GraphicsConfig.java:431)
      at sun.awt.windows.WComponentPeer.flip(WComponentPeer.java:749)
      at java.awt.Component$FlipBufferStrategy.flip(Component.java:3418)
      at java.awt.Component$FlipBufferStrategy.show(Component.java:3516)
      at MultiBufferTest.<init>(MultiBufferTest.java:54)
      at MultiBufferTest.main(MultiBufferTest.java:110)

      I have attached a sample test. Execute the sample test on WinXP. You will the resolution changing to 640x480 and color changing between red and blue. Press the 'WINDOW' key. The FullScreen frame will be minimized and you would see the above exception on the console. I am using a Nvidia GeForce4 MX4000 video card.
      ###@###.### 2005-04-15 10:07:45 GMT

            tdv Dmitri Trembovetski (Inactive)
            pmohansunw Praveen Mohan (Inactive)
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