Siebel dedicated client is certfied with jre 1.4.1_02. Client applets are signed by versign. By default user should be prompted for accepting the certificate.
When 1.4.1_02 jre is installed, this is not happening. Verified that older and later versions of jre are capable of providing the functionality.
Client is not willing to migrate to a higher version of jre as they have several thousand users using the jre. They are seeking a workaround for the problem. ( Changes to java.policy, ??)
###@###.### 2005-04-26 19:05:43 GMT
When 1.4.1_02 jre is installed, this is not happening. Verified that older and later versions of jre are capable of providing the functionality.
Client is not willing to migrate to a higher version of jre as they have several thousand users using the jre. They are seeking a workaround for the problem. ( Changes to java.policy, ??)
###@###.### 2005-04-26 19:05:43 GMT