Resolution: Fixed
generic, x86
generic, windows_2000
java version "1.5.0_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_02-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_02-b09, mixed mode)
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
java.util.EnumSet claims "This representation is extremely compact and efficient. The space and time performance of this class should be good enough to allow its use as a high-quality, typesafe alternative to traditional int-based "bit flags."
However, in the implementation there is a Enum[] universe field containing all the Enum constants of the particular Enum type the set holds. This array is always a new clone of the one held by java.lang.Class for use in its getEnumConstants() method.
Therefore an EnumSet of an enum with say 64 values, has both a long to store the set, AND a Enum[64] array holding references to each of the 64 enum constants.
This is hardly "compact" let alone "extremely compact"
Observed by browsing source code.
Confirmed via the attached source code
I would expect the universe arrays for two EnumSets of the same Enum type to share their universe array.
The test class below when run should print the String
"The two EnumSets share the same universe arrays"
The test class output is
V:\>java -cp . EnumSetSize
The two EnumSets don't share the same universe arrays
This bug can be reproduced always.
---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
class EnumSetSize {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
EnumSet<Thread.State> s1 = EnumSet.noneOf(Thread.State.class);
EnumSet<Thread.State> s2 = EnumSet.noneOf(Thread.State.class);
Field universeField = EnumSet.class.getDeclaredField("universe");
Enum[] s1universe = (Enum[])universeField.get(s1);
Enum[] s2universe = (Enum[])universeField.get(s2);
System.out.format("The two EnumSets %sshare the same universe arrays%n",
s1universe != s2universe ? "don't " : "");
---------- END SOURCE ----------
###@###.### 2005-05-27 03:03:20 GMT
Suggested fix by community member ###@###.###
This patch permits to share a unique enum values array
for al EnumSet create on a same class.
Until now, EnumSet implementation (exactly static method noneOf())
ask the class to obtain the array of enum values using the method
java.lang.Class.getEnumConstant(). Because this method is called by
java.util.EnumSet this method must be public.
Because getEnumConstant() is public, the code
make defensive clone() of the array.
So EnumSet don't share the same array but a clone one, this is inefficient.
The idea of the patch is to provide a special access from EnumSet to
Class.getEnumConstant() that avoid to cloning the array.
Futhermore, i make small changes to avoid another cloning in
This patch use the already existant sun.misc.SharedSecret to permit
to access to a package-private version of GetEnumConstants()
named getEnumValues() in the patch.
So the patch :
- add a method Class.getEnumValues() that copy/paste the code of getEnumConstant()
without the cloning() the array. I've generify the create of the PrivilegedAction too.
- rewrite getEnumConstant() to use getEnumValues()
- rewrite enumConstantDirectory() to use getEnumValues() instead of getEnumConstant()
and make a minor tweak to this method. The current version of the code
make a cast for each enum values, i have replaced it by one cast on the array.
- add a method getEnumValues() in the interface sun.misc.JavaLangAccess,
the signature of the method is slightly different from the one of java.lang.Class
because we know here that only enum class can call this method.
- provide an implementation of this method (getEnumValues) in the anonymous
class of java.lang.System that provide an implementation of
- rewrite the static method EnumSet.noneOf() to use getEnumValues() via
SharedSecret instead of using getEnumConstants()
Some collateral remarks :
- the evaluation of bug 6352179 is wrong. There is two different version
of valueOf() method in an enum, one static declared in the java.lang.Enum
that take a class and a name and another generated by the compiler
that just takes a name. The former use a hashtable declared in
java.lang.Class but the later iterate over the array to find the enum
by its name and don't use a hashtable. The bug was reported on the later
but the evaluation talks about the former.
The bug must be re-open and re-categorized as a compiler bug.
- bug 6352179 could be easily corrected by adding a method
getEnumConstant(String name) in java.lang.Class as requested in
bug 5034509. getEnumConstant(String name) could be implemented
by delegating to enumConstantDirectory().
JDK version :
java version "1.6.0-rc"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.6.0-rc-b62)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-rc-b62, mixed mode, sharing)
--- Class.java.old Sun Dec 04 00:34:16 2005
+++ Class.java Sun Dec 04 00:44:39 2005
@@ -2875,28 +2875,44 @@
* @since 1.5
public T[] getEnumConstants() {
- if (enumConstants == null) {
- if (!isEnum()) return null;
- try {
- final Method values = getMethod("values");
+ T[] values=getEnumValues();
+ if (values==null)
+ return null;
+ return values.clone();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the elements of this enum class or null if this
+ * Class object does not represent an enum type.
+ * This package-private method is used internally by
+ * EnumSet via sun.misc.SharedSecret.getJavaLangAccess().getEnumValues().
+ *
+ * @since 1.6
+ */
+ T[] getEnumValues() {
+ if (enumValues == null) {
+ if (!isEnum()) return null;
+ try {
+ final Method values = getMethod("values");
- (new java.security.PrivilegedAction() {
- public Object run() {
- values.setAccessible(true);
- return null;
- }
- });
- enumConstants = (T[])values.invoke(null);
- }
- // These can happen when users concoct enum-like classes
- // that don't comply with the enum spec.
- catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { return null; }
- catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { return null; }
- catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { return null; }
- }
- return enumConstants.clone();
+ (new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
+ public Object run() {
+ values.setAccessible(true);
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ enumValues = (T[])values.invoke(null);
+ }
+ // These can happen when users concoct enum-like classes
+ // that don't comply with the enum spec.
+ catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { return null; }
+ catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { return null; }
+ catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { return null; }
+ }
+ return enumValues;
- private volatile transient T[] enumConstants = null;
+ private volatile transient T[] enumValues;
* Returns a map from simple name to enum constant. This package-private
@@ -2907,18 +2923,18 @@
Map<String, T> enumConstantDirectory() {
if (enumConstantDirectory == null) {
- T[] universe = getEnumConstants(); // Does unnecessary clone
+ T[] universe = getEnumValues();
if (universe == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
getName() + " is not an enum type");
- Map<String, T> m = new HashMap<String, T>(2 * universe.length);
- for (T constant : universe)
- m.put(((Enum)constant).name(), constant);
+ HashMap<String, T> m = new HashMap<String, T>(2 * universe.length);
+ for (Enum<?> constant: (Enum<?>[])universe)
+ m.put(constant.name(), (T)constant);
enumConstantDirectory = m;
return enumConstantDirectory;
- private volatile transient Map<String, T> enumConstantDirectory = null;
+ private volatile transient HashMap<String, T> enumConstantDirectory;
* Casts an object to the class or interface represented
--- EnumSet.java.old Sun Dec 04 00:35:12 2005
+++ EnumSet.java Sat Dec 03 19:26:15 2005
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>elementType</tt> is null
public static <E extends Enum<E>> EnumSet<E> noneOf(Class<E> elementType) {
- Enum[] universe = elementType.getEnumConstants();
+ Enum[] universe=sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess().getEnumValues(elementType);
if (universe == null)
throw new ClassCastException(elementType + " not an enum");
--- JavaLangAccess.java.old Sun Dec 04 00:34:41 2005
+++ JavaLangAccess.java Sat Dec 03 19:15:44 2005
@@ -29,4 +29,9 @@
/** Set thread's blocker field. */
void blockedOn(Thread t, Interruptible b);
+ /**
+ * Returns the elements of this enum class.
+ */
+ <T extends Enum<T>> T[] getEnumValues(Class<T> klass);
--- System.java.old Sun Dec 04 00:34:31 2005
+++ System.java Sun Dec 04 00:47:32 2005
@@ -1131,6 +1131,9 @@
public void blockedOn(Thread t, Interruptible b) {
+ public <T extends Enum<T>> T[] getEnumValues(Class<T> klass) {
+ return klass.getEnumValues();
+ }
Rémi Forax
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.EnumSet;
* @author remi
public class TestEnumSet {
enum Test {
private static void testEnumSet() {
EnumSet<Test> noneSet=EnumSet.noneOf(Test.class);
EnumSet<Test> allSet=EnumSet.allOf(Test.class);
if (getUniverse(noneSet)!=getUniverse(allSet))
throw new AssertionError("enum set doesn't share universe");
private static <E extends Enum<E>> Enum<E>[] getUniverse(EnumSet<E> set) {
try {
return (Enum<E>[])field.get(set);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
private static final Field field;
static {
try {
field = EnumSet.class.getDeclaredField("universe");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
public static void main(String[] args) {
java version "1.5.0_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_02-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_02-b09, mixed mode)
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
java.util.EnumSet claims "This representation is extremely compact and efficient. The space and time performance of this class should be good enough to allow its use as a high-quality, typesafe alternative to traditional int-based "bit flags."
However, in the implementation there is a Enum[] universe field containing all the Enum constants of the particular Enum type the set holds. This array is always a new clone of the one held by java.lang.Class for use in its getEnumConstants() method.
Therefore an EnumSet of an enum with say 64 values, has both a long to store the set, AND a Enum[64] array holding references to each of the 64 enum constants.
This is hardly "compact" let alone "extremely compact"
Observed by browsing source code.
Confirmed via the attached source code
I would expect the universe arrays for two EnumSets of the same Enum type to share their universe array.
The test class below when run should print the String
"The two EnumSets share the same universe arrays"
The test class output is
V:\>java -cp . EnumSetSize
The two EnumSets don't share the same universe arrays
This bug can be reproduced always.
---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
class EnumSetSize {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
EnumSet<Thread.State> s1 = EnumSet.noneOf(Thread.State.class);
EnumSet<Thread.State> s2 = EnumSet.noneOf(Thread.State.class);
Field universeField = EnumSet.class.getDeclaredField("universe");
Enum[] s1universe = (Enum[])universeField.get(s1);
Enum[] s2universe = (Enum[])universeField.get(s2);
System.out.format("The two EnumSets %sshare the same universe arrays%n",
s1universe != s2universe ? "don't " : "");
---------- END SOURCE ----------
###@###.### 2005-05-27 03:03:20 GMT
Suggested fix by community member ###@###.###
This patch permits to share a unique enum values array
for al EnumSet create on a same class.
Until now, EnumSet implementation (exactly static method noneOf())
ask the class to obtain the array of enum values using the method
java.lang.Class.getEnumConstant(). Because this method is called by
java.util.EnumSet this method must be public.
Because getEnumConstant() is public, the code
make defensive clone() of the array.
So EnumSet don't share the same array but a clone one, this is inefficient.
The idea of the patch is to provide a special access from EnumSet to
Class.getEnumConstant() that avoid to cloning the array.
Futhermore, i make small changes to avoid another cloning in
This patch use the already existant sun.misc.SharedSecret to permit
to access to a package-private version of GetEnumConstants()
named getEnumValues() in the patch.
So the patch :
- add a method Class.getEnumValues() that copy/paste the code of getEnumConstant()
without the cloning() the array. I've generify the create of the PrivilegedAction too.
- rewrite getEnumConstant() to use getEnumValues()
- rewrite enumConstantDirectory() to use getEnumValues() instead of getEnumConstant()
and make a minor tweak to this method. The current version of the code
make a cast for each enum values, i have replaced it by one cast on the array.
- add a method getEnumValues() in the interface sun.misc.JavaLangAccess,
the signature of the method is slightly different from the one of java.lang.Class
because we know here that only enum class can call this method.
- provide an implementation of this method (getEnumValues) in the anonymous
class of java.lang.System that provide an implementation of
- rewrite the static method EnumSet.noneOf() to use getEnumValues() via
SharedSecret instead of using getEnumConstants()
Some collateral remarks :
- the evaluation of bug 6352179 is wrong. There is two different version
of valueOf() method in an enum, one static declared in the java.lang.Enum
that take a class and a name and another generated by the compiler
that just takes a name. The former use a hashtable declared in
java.lang.Class but the later iterate over the array to find the enum
by its name and don't use a hashtable. The bug was reported on the later
but the evaluation talks about the former.
The bug must be re-open and re-categorized as a compiler bug.
- bug 6352179 could be easily corrected by adding a method
getEnumConstant(String name) in java.lang.Class as requested in
bug 5034509. getEnumConstant(String name) could be implemented
by delegating to enumConstantDirectory().
JDK version :
java version "1.6.0-rc"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.6.0-rc-b62)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-rc-b62, mixed mode, sharing)
--- Class.java.old Sun Dec 04 00:34:16 2005
+++ Class.java Sun Dec 04 00:44:39 2005
@@ -2875,28 +2875,44 @@
* @since 1.5
public T[] getEnumConstants() {
- if (enumConstants == null) {
- if (!isEnum()) return null;
- try {
- final Method values = getMethod("values");
+ T[] values=getEnumValues();
+ if (values==null)
+ return null;
+ return values.clone();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the elements of this enum class or null if this
+ * Class object does not represent an enum type.
+ * This package-private method is used internally by
+ * EnumSet via sun.misc.SharedSecret.getJavaLangAccess().getEnumValues().
+ *
+ * @since 1.6
+ */
+ T[] getEnumValues() {
+ if (enumValues == null) {
+ if (!isEnum()) return null;
+ try {
+ final Method values = getMethod("values");
- (new java.security.PrivilegedAction() {
- public Object run() {
- values.setAccessible(true);
- return null;
- }
- });
- enumConstants = (T[])values.invoke(null);
- }
- // These can happen when users concoct enum-like classes
- // that don't comply with the enum spec.
- catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { return null; }
- catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { return null; }
- catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { return null; }
- }
- return enumConstants.clone();
+ (new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
+ public Object run() {
+ values.setAccessible(true);
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ enumValues = (T[])values.invoke(null);
+ }
+ // These can happen when users concoct enum-like classes
+ // that don't comply with the enum spec.
+ catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { return null; }
+ catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { return null; }
+ catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { return null; }
+ }
+ return enumValues;
- private volatile transient T[] enumConstants = null;
+ private volatile transient T[] enumValues;
* Returns a map from simple name to enum constant. This package-private
@@ -2907,18 +2923,18 @@
Map<String, T> enumConstantDirectory() {
if (enumConstantDirectory == null) {
- T[] universe = getEnumConstants(); // Does unnecessary clone
+ T[] universe = getEnumValues();
if (universe == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
getName() + " is not an enum type");
- Map<String, T> m = new HashMap<String, T>(2 * universe.length);
- for (T constant : universe)
- m.put(((Enum)constant).name(), constant);
+ HashMap<String, T> m = new HashMap<String, T>(2 * universe.length);
+ for (Enum<?> constant: (Enum<?>[])universe)
+ m.put(constant.name(), (T)constant);
enumConstantDirectory = m;
return enumConstantDirectory;
- private volatile transient Map<String, T> enumConstantDirectory = null;
+ private volatile transient HashMap<String, T> enumConstantDirectory;
* Casts an object to the class or interface represented
--- EnumSet.java.old Sun Dec 04 00:35:12 2005
+++ EnumSet.java Sat Dec 03 19:26:15 2005
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>elementType</tt> is null
public static <E extends Enum<E>> EnumSet<E> noneOf(Class<E> elementType) {
- Enum[] universe = elementType.getEnumConstants();
+ Enum[] universe=sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess().getEnumValues(elementType);
if (universe == null)
throw new ClassCastException(elementType + " not an enum");
--- JavaLangAccess.java.old Sun Dec 04 00:34:41 2005
+++ JavaLangAccess.java Sat Dec 03 19:15:44 2005
@@ -29,4 +29,9 @@
/** Set thread's blocker field. */
void blockedOn(Thread t, Interruptible b);
+ /**
+ * Returns the elements of this enum class.
+ */
+ <T extends Enum<T>> T[] getEnumValues(Class<T> klass);
--- System.java.old Sun Dec 04 00:34:31 2005
+++ System.java Sun Dec 04 00:47:32 2005
@@ -1131,6 +1131,9 @@
public void blockedOn(Thread t, Interruptible b) {
+ public <T extends Enum<T>> T[] getEnumValues(Class<T> klass) {
+ return klass.getEnumValues();
+ }
Rémi Forax
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.EnumSet;
* @author remi
public class TestEnumSet {
enum Test {
private static void testEnumSet() {
EnumSet<Test> noneSet=EnumSet.noneOf(Test.class);
EnumSet<Test> allSet=EnumSet.allOf(Test.class);
if (getUniverse(noneSet)!=getUniverse(allSet))
throw new AssertionError("enum set doesn't share universe");
private static <E extends Enum<E>> Enum<E>[] getUniverse(EnumSet<E> set) {
try {
return (Enum<E>[])field.get(set);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
private static final Field field;
static {
try {
field = EnumSet.class.getDeclaredField("universe");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
public static void main(String[] args) {
- relates to
JDK-6389107 (ref) Request Reference.link(Object,Object) for "biweak" caches
- Open
JDK-6436941 (enum) add method getEnumConstant(int i) to java.lang.Class
- Closed