• b01
    • generic, x86, sparc
    • solaris_9, windows_2000

        Your Company Site ID: 76469
        Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000
        OS version: Version 5.00.2195 - SP4
        Product Name: Our product name (C-EMS)
        Product version: 14.0
        Hardware platform: Intel(r) Pentium 4 CPU 2.80GHz AT/AT Compatible 1GB RAM
        Severity: 2
        Short description: all editable fields get frozen
        Full problem description:
              For an unknown reason, sometimes all editable fields get frozen, ie, it's impossible to edit or get focus on any editable fields on both windows and solaris platforms.
              In our application, we can have several forms open at the same time. Suddenly, all opened forms get unable to edit or to focus any editable field (JTextFields, JTextAreas, etc), even fields already edited before. Other fields as comboboxes, tables, radiobuttons remain editable.
              It is an intermittent, and there is no defined steps to reproduce this problem. The work-around to this problem is finalize our application and then restart it.
              We are using the jre version "1.5.0_02-b09".
              Is this problem related to the bug "4982943" ?


              If so, is it already fixed in the load "1.5.0_03-b03" (Latest java update)?

        Tested the application with Latest available version.
        Observations are as below :

        java version "1.5.0_04"
        Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_04-b05)
        Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_04-b05, mixed mode)

        But they keep reproducing the error "Editable fields get frozen in Java 5" (call id 829994). They have a Desktop (JDesktopPane inside a JFrame) in which they can open several forms (Contained in JInternalFrame's). They open some forms and, suddenly, all editable fields (JTextField, JTextArea, Jcombobox enabled and editable - freeze for edition, ie, it's not possible to type any character in it) get frozen in all already opened forms and new ones, but JRadioButtons, JComboBox enabled and not editable keep working fine.

        They cannot focus them using either TAB key or Mouse pointer and the cursor of editable field doesn't appear.
        It seems that everything that requires keyboard input becomes not accessible.

        Some more details to help on the investigation:

        1) They have noted that when these fields are frozen, if they call a JOptionPane they back to work again (unfreeze).
                Is there anything special that JOptionPane does that could unfreeze the editable fields?

        2) They still do not have specific steps to reproduce this. And this happens suddenly. All that they do to try reproduce it is to keep open windows over and over until the issue happens. It seems that as faster they try to open the windows more frequently the issue happens.

         Attachments :
          Files attached contains Thread status on Freeze and system properties info.
        And also contains status showing after 'JOptionPane' at which editable fields start working again.
        ###@###.### 2005-06-28 23:25:01 GMT

              son Oleg Sukhodolsky (Inactive)
              sdattatrsunw Sreenatha Dattatri (Inactive)
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