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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6296893

BMP Writer handles TopDown property incorrectly for some of the compression types


    • b63
    • generic, x86, arm
    • generic, linux, solaris_11, windows_vista, windows_7

      I am setting the TopDown property to true in BMPWriteParam by calling setTopDown(true). I am getting all the supported compression types and looping through them one by one and setting it to the write param. I am writing the image using each of these compression types, with topdown true using BMPImageWriter.

      I noticed that the image is actually inverted for some of the compression types such BI_RGB and BI_BITFIELDS whereas it is normal for other compression types such as BI_JPG and BI_PNG. The spec does not say anything about the dependency of TopDown on compression. I feel the behavior of TopDown must be same regardless of what compression types are used.

      This is reproducible on all platforms right from Tiger-FCS.

      I have attached a sample test that would demonstrate this bug.
      ###@###.### 2005-07-14 14:20:11 GMT

            bae Andrew Brygin
            pmohansunw Praveen Mohan (Inactive)
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            1 Start watching this issue
