Resolution: Duplicate
We are from the Java Studio Enterprise team, and our latest product JSE8. We have found a performace issue on Solaris connected to it remotely using JSE UML design application.
The scenario used is the most common usecase that our customer will use.
0. Remotely Connect to a Solaris machine (x86 or Sparc), Solaris 9 or 10
1. Install JSE8 IDE from "/net/balui.sfbay/kits/oriondev/main/Build050803_28/installers/"
2. Open the IDE after install
3. Create a UML diagram (Click File->New Project, Select UML project)
Note: Our QA can help you setup and show the scenario
4. Create a UML diagramby clikcing on the Diagram node on the Project Tab (left side of IDE)
5. Try dragging an element (like Class) from right side pallette. Repeat this. After a while >5 you will see slow response.
Unfortunately there is no stack trace to help debug this issue.
We are from the Java Studio Enterprise team, and our latest product JSE8 (with early access next week, ie burn the CD for shipment next week). We have found a serious performace issue on Solaris with latest hardware like
Solaris 10 on Sunblade 1500 & 2500
Solaris 10 x86
JDS platform
The scenario used is the most common usecase that our customer will use.
1. Install JSE8 IDE from "/net/balui.sfbay/kits/oriondev/main/Build050803_28/installers/"
2. Open the IDE after install
3. Create a UML diagram (Click File->New Project, Select UML project)
Note: Our QA can help you setup and show the scenario
4. Create a UML diagramby clikcing on the Diagram node on the Project Tab (left side of IDE)
5. Try dragging an element (like Class) from right side pallette. Repeat this. After a while >5 you will see slow response.
We took process stack trace during slow response
fe941208 __1cNObjectMonitorFenter6MpnGThread__v_ (139b38, 471c80, 134, 0, f8cc0a10, 46a4f8) + 8
feb1bd58 __1cSObjectSynchronizerJjni_enter6FnGHandle_pnGThread__v_ (dfefd7fc, 471c80, 1, 1, 759c, fefd79a4) + 25c
feb1f9e0 jni_MonitorEnter (6000, 48c110, 471c80, fefd835c, fefccaf8, fef86000) + 2b0
fa8a76b4 ???????? (471d38, a87288, dfefd8e0, 2, 0, 49480) + fffffffffbd87f84
e0af5e70 Java_sun_awt_image_DataBufferNative_setElem (471d38, dfefd9b8, 11c, 134, d69a, dfefd9b4) + 48
f8bfcc9c * *sun/awt/image/DataBufferNative.setElem(IIILsun/java2d/SurfaceData;)V+0
f8c78694 * sun/java2d/pipe/RegionSpanIterator.getPathBox([I)V+-12480
f8bfd00c * *java/awt/image/SinglePixelPackedSampleModel.setDataElements(IILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/awt/image/DataBuffer;)V+131 (line 605)
f8cb9330 * *java/awt/image/WritableRaster.setDataElements(IILjava/lang/Object;)V+21 (line 268)
f8cc0a10 * *sun/java2d/loops/OpaqueCopyArgbToAny.Blit(Lsun/java2d/SurfaceData;Lsun/java2d/SurfaceData;Ljava/awt/Composite;Lsun/java2d/pipe/Region;IIIIII)V+231 (line 167)
f8c97ab4 * I2CAdapter
Also see attached logs of stack traces
The scenario used is the most common usecase that our customer will use.
0. Remotely Connect to a Solaris machine (x86 or Sparc), Solaris 9 or 10
1. Install JSE8 IDE from "/net/balui.sfbay/kits/oriondev/main/Build050803_28/installers/"
2. Open the IDE after install
3. Create a UML diagram (Click File->New Project, Select UML project)
Note: Our QA can help you setup and show the scenario
4. Create a UML diagramby clikcing on the Diagram node on the Project Tab (left side of IDE)
5. Try dragging an element (like Class) from right side pallette. Repeat this. After a while >5 you will see slow response.
Unfortunately there is no stack trace to help debug this issue.
We are from the Java Studio Enterprise team, and our latest product JSE8 (with early access next week, ie burn the CD for shipment next week). We have found a serious performace issue on Solaris with latest hardware like
Solaris 10 on Sunblade 1500 & 2500
Solaris 10 x86
JDS platform
The scenario used is the most common usecase that our customer will use.
1. Install JSE8 IDE from "/net/balui.sfbay/kits/oriondev/main/Build050803_28/installers/"
2. Open the IDE after install
3. Create a UML diagram (Click File->New Project, Select UML project)
Note: Our QA can help you setup and show the scenario
4. Create a UML diagramby clikcing on the Diagram node on the Project Tab (left side of IDE)
5. Try dragging an element (like Class) from right side pallette. Repeat this. After a while >5 you will see slow response.
We took process stack trace during slow response
fe941208 __1cNObjectMonitorFenter6MpnGThread__v_ (139b38, 471c80, 134, 0, f8cc0a10, 46a4f8) + 8
feb1bd58 __1cSObjectSynchronizerJjni_enter6FnGHandle_pnGThread__v_ (dfefd7fc, 471c80, 1, 1, 759c, fefd79a4) + 25c
feb1f9e0 jni_MonitorEnter (6000, 48c110, 471c80, fefd835c, fefccaf8, fef86000) + 2b0
fa8a76b4 ???????? (471d38, a87288, dfefd8e0, 2, 0, 49480) + fffffffffbd87f84
e0af5e70 Java_sun_awt_image_DataBufferNative_setElem (471d38, dfefd9b8, 11c, 134, d69a, dfefd9b4) + 48
f8bfcc9c * *sun/awt/image/DataBufferNative.setElem(IIILsun/java2d/SurfaceData;)V+0
f8c78694 * sun/java2d/pipe/RegionSpanIterator.getPathBox([I)V+-12480
f8bfd00c * *java/awt/image/SinglePixelPackedSampleModel.setDataElements(IILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/awt/image/DataBuffer;)V+131 (line 605)
f8cb9330 * *java/awt/image/WritableRaster.setDataElements(IILjava/lang/Object;)V+21 (line 268)
f8cc0a10 * *sun/java2d/loops/OpaqueCopyArgbToAny.Blit(Lsun/java2d/SurfaceData;Lsun/java2d/SurfaceData;Ljava/awt/Composite;Lsun/java2d/pipe/Region;IIIIII)V+231 (line 167)
f8c97ab4 * I2CAdapter
Also see attached logs of stack traces
- duplicates
JDK-6307181 Performance problems on Solaris 10 (SunBlade1500, 2500), Solaris x86 & JDS platforms
- Closed