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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6312907

142 SDK windows install shield doesn't let you install all features in non-default drive.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: P2 P2
    • None
    • 1.4.2_10
    • install
    • x86
    • windows

      java full version "1.4.2_10-ea-b01"

      OS INFO
      windows NT
      ceann.ireland vnc viewer password:
      *VNC server is running for your convenience.

      Local disk capacity and remaining space -

      c: capacity 1.99GB
         space remaining 256MB

      d: capacity 35.4GB
         space remaining ~23GB

      To reproduce
      Click on carlow [computer icon] shortcut on the desktop
      Navigate to JDK/1.4.2_10/ea/b01/bundles/windows-i586*
      Run the executable win bundle - j2sdk-1_4_2_10-windows-i586-p.exe

      *Other 1.4.2_X bundles are in carlow/JDK if you want to experiment.

      If you vnc into ceann.ireland you will see the installer at accept license agreement for your convenience.

      Accept license agreement
      Note - After this the feature description on the installer says "The SDK v 1.4.2_10 including private JRE 1.4.2_10 - This will require 120MB on your hard drive."

      By default the installer selects c:/j2sdk1.4.2_10
      Click on next - Installer complains "Out of disk space - requires 530MB on c:"

      First of all this is very misleading - The installer says 120MB for SDK and JRE to install, i'm assuming this does not include all the other features which are selected by default hence representing a mis-interpretation to the user that all features selected will only require 120MB?

      Click on ok, now change default installation
      Choose d:/j2sdk1.4.2_10
      Again the installer complains - Not enough disk space, requiring 344MB on c:

      By default base images are installed on c:/program files/common files/java/update.
      However in this case user can't succeed installation at all.
      Surely 256MB on C: should be sufficient to install base images.

      OR, should it not be the procedure that if the user selects D: then all features should install on d:, including base images.

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            amckeownsunw Annemarie Mckeown (Inactive)
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